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Tigers had regained the lead while idle Monday when the Red Sox lost to the Orioles. Out here all a team has to do is to take a shot.
Dave Matheson had two goals and two assists. Warriors, who raced off to a lead and then lost their momentum, also had a pair of three-goal scorers Ron McNeil and Stan Cox. Thomas, obtained in a trade with Dallas Cowboys, three times before visited the Chargers briefly but left each time. A spokesman said, however, that the moody backfield star this time joined the Chargersv on the playing field. Another onlooker asked Thomas if he was in shape.
The results left Orioles and Tigers a half-game behind Boston with records. Yankees, still within striking distance, failed to gain when Milwaukee Brewers took a decision. Bobby Mercer, with his 29th, and Ron Blomberg, with his 12th, connected for Yankee home runs. Mitterwald singled with one out. Cesar Geronimo cracked three hits and scored the winning run on an infield error in the eighth pennant-clinching number to inning.
League Leaders.. GBL GBL X-Oakland 84 Home runs: Detroit — Horton 11th ; Cleveland — Nettles 17th. Kansas City — 7 15 0 California — 2 6 1 Montgomery GBL Pittsburgh 90 Louis 70 7 4.
GBL Cincinnati 88 Home runs: Montreal — Foli 2nd ; Chicago — Williams 32nd. Home run: Pittsburgh — Robertson 11th. Home run: Houston — Radar 21st. Allen, Chi. Schelnbium, K. Pinlella, K. Rudi, Oak. Fisk, Bos. May, Chi. Otis, K. Barry, Cal. AB R M Pet. Williams, Chl. Cedano, Hou. Bakar, Atl. Garr, Atl. Oliver, Pgh. Brock, St. Santo, Chl. Watson, Hou. Rosa, Cln. Hebner, Pgh. Runs batted In: Allen, ; Murder, Pitching: Hunter, Oakland, ,.
Runs battad In: Banch, ; Star- gall, Pittsburgh, Pitching: Nolan, Cincinnati, ,. Lions and Toronto will be telecast on Channel 8 and broadcast on radio stations C. Junior Hockey League Villas, who faded badly in the final period.
Cook, who was obtained in an off-season trade with Winnipeg, scored what proved to be the winner early in the second period. Terry McDonald, on a power play, Jerry Blanchette and Chris Dyer, on a shot from inside the Vancouver blue-line, scored for Villas, who trailed, , after the first period. Ron Bourcier finished the game, making 12 stops. The year-old players were obtained in the equalization draft earlier this year.
Louis ST. Birmingham 1, Luton 0 second round, second replay. Middlesbrough 0, Preston 0. Notts Forest 2, Cardiff 1. Queen’s Park 1, Bristol City 1. Charlton 6, Notts County 1.
Oldham 1, Grimsby 2. Rotherham 2, Shrewsbury 0. Scunthorpe 1, Rochdale 2. Swansea 1, Tranmere 1. Walsall 3, Southend 1. Division iv Bury 2, Northampton 2. Hereford 1, Bransley 2. Newport 1, Peterborough 1. Only fans, smallest crowd, to see the Bruins in pre-season play’ in the last five years, showed up.
Leon Rochefort scored both Detroit goals while Dallas. In Ottawa. The crowd was There were watchers in Halifax, where Montreal Can- adiens outshot Chicago Black Hawks and came away a winner. Dan Maloney and J. Bordeleau scored for Hawks. North Stars won. Wayne Cbernecki and Doug Volmar. They are only four points behind the third- place Montreal Alouettes while Lions are 10 points away from the last playoff spot.
A shotgun start, with at least tw i foursomes on each tec, will be used at p. George An- drewiew, Rick Carmichael. Bill Boyles. Tickets now on sale 9 a. Dally Arena Bov Office All seats reserved Saturday, Sept. Garry Taylor — Coach — Iinlvreslty of Victoria. A few allowed that the Russian team might win twice, fewer warned against over-confidence and said it was entirely possible that Team Canada would lose as many as three games. It was a rare bird who went further than that.
Such a bird, and perhaps the only one, is John Robertson, sports columnist with the Montreal Star. Robertson boldly predicted, on Aug. First of all, Eagleson and Co. For the specifics, let’s break it down into categories. The National Leaguers go about their conditioning in a different way. A decided edge to the Russians. This will be especially evident in their training camp in progress now. And as they get down to the final cuts, you can imagine the efforts they are expending.
This is their whole life. The Canadians, on the other hand, feel very patriotic about what they’re doing — but they are still just moonlighting away from their regular jobs as NHLers. Their more individualistic style of play is certainly more thrilling to watch and could be highly upsetting to the Russians who have never seen moves to match what’s in store for them.
The one thing that keeps this from becoming a vastly wider edge is the fateful timing of the series. Had it been played in the spring, when these players are at their Stanley Cup playoff peak, the Russians would truly see the Canadians at their best.
But physically tougher? The Russians may be a little more crude about it, but they show no reluctance to mix it. In truth nobody will be to blame because the better team — the one best honed into a cohesive unit — will have won. There were, however, a few kind words.
Most of them came from Bobby Bystroem, sports editor for Dagens Ny- heter, the largest morning newspaper. He underlined that Canada is a team in a class with the best in Europe.
And the team which has the best chance to practice wins. Arnold Ocem A. Arnold Petite Vixen Chabara Dr. Jim Murray ordered him into hospital so they could feed him intravenously.
After losing two, tying one and winning one against the Soviets in the four-game set in Canada, the Canadians won, , here Saturday and tied, , Sunday but they were a disorganized lot through most of both games.
They leave today for games in Moscow Sept. It beautifies, insulates, protects your exterior walls for a minimum of 15 years. You will really be surprised at its low, low cast. Please send a representative to give a free i estimate.
I understand I am under no obligation. Properly Aged to the Peak of Perfection. Government Inspected. Average lbs. Properly aged to peak of eating tenderness. Your Choice 1. Bake in the oven and serve with parsley sauce- Maplewood — 18 to 23 oz. Grade A lb. Fresh Pork Shoulder Steaks lb. Serve with Town House Applesauce lb.
Burns SUced. Regular or All Beef. Vacuum Pkg. Box of 16 2-ox. Random Weights. Your Choice Added Pectin. Delicious on toast. Canada No. JkUA 12 oz. M 6-oz. A 1-lb. VVV Boston Brand. CQa oz. Sold at money-saving prices by nice friendly Safeway employees. Grown Head Lettuce For salads or sandwiches. Grown Cabbage Fresh green crisp heads.
Tender for boiling or coleslaw. Enhances natural flavor of foods, each Sun Pack Brand. From concentrate. Standard Quality. Serve with Breakfast Gems Eggs. Delicious with Lucerne whipping cream. Just add water. Assorted colors. Assorted colors Scotties. Pink or Yellow Box of K Brand. Safeway Guaranteed. Delicious and refreshing. Package of bags. I have the assurance on a federation-to- federation basis that the Swedes and Czechs will not deal with the WHA.
All, now 30, weighed pounds for the first Patterson fight and expected to weigh this time. Patterson, who weighed for the fight, may be for this fight. All will go into the fight with a seven-bout winning streak built since he failed to regain the title hi a round fight with Joe Frasier March 8,, in the Garden.
Ashford, who was retired in and is now employed in commissioner Bowie Kuhn’s office, spent 15 years in the minors before getting his major league chance. All is guaranteed , or 35 per cent of all revenues while Patterson is guaranteed , or 20 per cent. Kryczka, commenting on arrangements being made be- The Argonaut Mine Road from Campbell River to Upper Quins am Lake, which we found full of potholes and almost impassable a year ago, has been widened, graded and made into a first class gravel road.
The only dicy spot remains the tumbling-down bridge in the area of the intersecting road which runs from the CJooseneck-Quinsam diversion to Middle Quins am Lake. The centre pieces appeared still in good shape and we drove across with no difficulty. But the road has simply eroded away at both sides of the bridge. This was our chance. We were on the way back from the North Island and we had a couple of days to spare: This was grouse country and it was the start of the grouse shooting season.
It was great country for our black Labrador, Little Jo. She even retrieved grouse we didn’t shoot And that is why all bird hunters should be required to use a good retrieving dog.
Recreationists have made several camping spots in this vicinity, and it was plain to see that those who use the area are experienced campers. The area was clean.
There were even fresh piles of fire wood left at the various camping spots. Campers are becoming more litterbug conscious, which is a welcome trend. When we arrived at the Wokos Channel camping spot we found Ernie Langston and Harold Banks of Victoria, who have been camping in that same area for more years than they care to remember.
They said that fly fishermen often pick up trout in the channel in the evenings and told us about some creek mouths and an island in Upper Quinsam Lake where the trout take readily. They also warned us about patches of quicksand along the Wokos lakeshore. Mile Zero—Intersection, just before bridge at Campbell River.
Mile 2. Mile We kept on paved main road. We kept straight ahead for Wokos-Upper Quinsam. Turn left after crossing bridge for short sidetrip to see diversion dam.
Straight ahead along Wokos Lake for more camping. Mile 23—Y in road. Left is a short side road leading to Argonaut Road. Keep straight ahead for camping. Keep straight ahead. The new road carries further on. We turned around and headed back to Campbell River on Argonaut Road.
Mile Zero—Mine. Mile 5. Cross only in centre. Keep right. Milo The big coho are starting to show up in Island waters. Jack Young took a He was using minnow, 40 feet of line, flasher and one pound of weight. Beacher Bay waters have been giving up coho to 18 pounds.
Foxcroft, Karr; 7. Lil Walton, Merchant; 4. Deep Cove Marina Ltd. Russell, Davie; 9. McDonald, Haldon; 5. Johnston, Begbie; 6, Moses Point, Needlefish. Brentwood Boat Rental. John A. Lien, Chatweli; 9. Sullivan, Haultaln; 6. West Bay Marina. Jack Chapman, Svannah; Becher Bay Marina. Kurt Schneider.
Ray Leason, Cedercrest; Sutherland, Atkins; Doreen Spring, Atkins; Jack Law, Ledshem; Jim Sledz, Furber; Allan Laverdure, Box 10, Becher Bay; Martin, Glastonbury; Margetish, Roserldge; Ken Margetish, Roseridge; May Fiukstad, Carey; Hugh Pearsall, Heatings; 11, 9.
Bert Dodd, Cralgflower; 11, 10, Becher Bay, minnow. Murray Marchment, Stellv’s Cross; Elliot, Montrose; Norn Ricketts, Agate Lane; Codings, Earl Grey; Doug Pearsall, Hastings; Codington, Davie; 10, 8, 7. Maurice Tieule, Harbinger; 10, Beechey Head, minnow. Larry Goodson, Glen Lake; Brown, RR No 1; Jackson, Wascana; 9.
Ken Clark, Brock; 9. Carol Margetish, Roserldge; 9. Hawkes, Jasmine; 9, Becher Bay, minnow. Warren, McMorran; 9, 7. Hopkins, McMorran; 9, Beechey Head, minnow. Art Sutherland, Atkins; 9, Seal Rock, minnow. Hawkes, 9B0 Jasmine; 8. George Edgington, Happy Valley; 8. John Levasseur, Eastdowne; 8. Rick LasceHe, Sooke; 1. Bill Skrypnick, Egerton; 8, 6, Beechey Heed, minnow. George Shipley, Quamlchan; 8 , 8 , Beechey Head, minnow. Turner, Kehdai; 8, Becher Bay, minnow. Sam Roskelley, Brett; 8, 8, 8, Beechey Head, plug.
Beeoroft, Bettleford; 6. Gilies, Montrose; 4. Arthur W. Karr, Colquitz; 6. Hall’s Boathouse. Nellsen, Midstream; 4. Joan Gordon, Redfern; 5. Vaughn, Broadway; 5. Shore Acres Resort. Arnall, Pinewood; Malahat Marina. Bayne, Stonehewer; 6. Riverbend Motel and Trailer Park. Roy Morgan, Victoria; 7. Kerl A. Griffiths, Stewart; Fill iny gum it lbs. Alia hilpi fight ttw MrviuMiu. At druggiiu. Sotufoc- tion or return for rolund.
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You can buy or lease a new Shell water heater complete with a Blue-Jet Burner. If you’rt interested In cutting your fuel bills and getting cleaner heat, call your local Shell Home Comfort representative. Kenney, Casa Marcla; Mark Ltnnon, Stencil; Brian Sneade, Casey; Mark Lannon, Stencil; Pat Goy.
Gaorge Farmer, Beach; John McMillan, 6 Mile Hotel; Howard T. Koon Jr. John M. Doug Robinson, Parkside; Irwin, Beach; Barry K. Jenner, Jamaica; Nahmint Bay, Strip. Tom Pringle, Washington; 30, Nahmint, Strip.
Port Alberni Marina. Joy Burns, , Port Alberni; McCallum, Nicholson; Tom McCormick, Dogwood, Nanaimo; Pat Ftannigan, Chestnut, Nanaimo; George Rough, Maitland, Port Alberni; China Creek Marine. Flnnlgan, Hampshire; Ziegler, Ridgeway; 42, Laveme Cook, Beverley, Nanaimo; Paul R.
Johns, Craigowen; Hec McNeill, Tolmle; Les Vivien, Wende; Virginia McNeill, Tolmie; Vanderheven, , Lang- lay; 32, Franklin River, Alaskan. Ted Jenkins, Carnarvon, New Westminster; Pensioners Welcome B. Session British Columbia. Derrick Sewell. There will be 12 lectures at the same time and place through Dec. Vincent Yates, president of the B.
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Austin 57, Nicholls St. Kentucky 42, Louisiana-Lafayette The Clallam Bay-Neah Bay playoff scenarios are as simple as it gets. Islanders 2 Colorado at Chicago, late N. Louis 2, Texas 1 Wednesday, Oct.
Louis 3, Texas 2 Thursday, Oct. Louis 1 Saturday, Oct. Louis 16, Texas 7 Today: St. Louis Jackson at Texas Holland , p. Monday, Oct. Louis Carpenter at Texas Wilson , p. Louis, p. The Pirates are not perfect anymore, but they are still unbeaten as they tied Tacoma on Saturday afternoon.
The muddy conditions also slowed down the Peninsula women, but they managed to to bi-districts via a confus- beat Tacoma for their 10th victory in a row. Matt Schubert is the outdoors The Pirates had goals from and sports columnist for the Penin- four different players while sula Daily News.
His column reguDaniel Gonzalez had two larly appears on Thursdays and assists. He can be reached at Dean Gaynor scored the matt. Arizona 24 Montana St. Colorado 21 Nevada 45, Fresno St. Utah 35, Weber St. Michigan Daniel Gonzalez assist, and five minutes later Miguel Gonzalez scored on a free kick. But Tacoma tied it in the 77th minute on a goal from Alex Vogt.
Jackie Rodgers scored the winning goal on a free kick in the 78th minute. Morgan Atchley put Peninsula ahead with a goal in the seventh minute on a Kelsie Ng assist. Our defense had a very good second half. They are well-coached. King threw for yards in the game while Russell was the top receiver with four catches for 63 yards. Rushing yards were hard to come by as the Redskins earned just 24 yards on 19 carries. Also pictured is Forks linebacker Cody Parker Webster said.
Passing—Port Townsend: King , yards; Seton , 20 yards. Turnovers and other mistakes hurt the Spartans during their second-half slide. Forks had a chance to take the lead early in the third quarter as it marched down the field only to lose the ball on a fumble at the Tenino 1-yard line.
Forks, in SWL-Evergreen Division play and overall, still has a chance to make the playoffs, however. If Rainier and Forks both win, the three will meet for a Kansas City tiebreaker the following week. But this is a good time to play Elma, which is struggling after losing eight varsity players two weeks ago after they got caught smoking pot.
We still have to play them. The Spartans, who had some injuries to contend with, played better against Tenino than the score indicated, according to Feasel.
Fullback Sergio Chase missed the game and is out for the rest of the season with a knee injury, but sophomore Brett Pederson played well in his place, Feasel said.
Feasel, however, expects Castellano to be back for the Elma game. Standout running back Shane WhiteEagle had a painful hip pointer and played on and off.
WhiteEagle scored on an 8-yard run while the other touchdown was an yard pass from Castellano to Tyler Penn. And outside linebacker Braden Decker had a great game. Cedar Park Chr. Cedar Park led at halftime and going into the final period.
Chimacum scored in the final quarter to keep from being shut out as Mel Thornton had a 1-yard run. Kyle Madayag had the extra-point kick. Quarterback Trevor Hare connected on 8 of 17 passes for 64 yards. He had two interceptions. Victor Cienega led on receiving with three catches for 36 yards. Thornton was right behind with 26 yards on three catches. Cienega also led on defense with 10 tackles, seven solo. Daryl Settlemire had nine tackles, seven solo.
Morris , Ajax Passing—Chimacum: Hare , 64 yards. As a result, the Eagles , dealt Port Angeles an upset loss that has it going into its annual rivalry game against Sequim hobbled and fighting to hold on to a No.
Starting running back Dylan Brewer was hobbled by a possible hernia. With leading receiver. Cameron Braithwaite still out with his own knee injury, the Riders had to rely on a lot of young, inexperienced players Friday. The Riders scored on a Walker 1-yard run in the first quarter but were shut out the rest of the way. Unfortunately for the Riders, both resulted in turnovers — one on an errant snap and another on an interception.
The Eagles eventually rattled off four unanswered touchdowns in the fourth quarter to end a game losing streak in league play. K: Simpson , Sheets Passing—PA: Walker , 0; Chapman , K: Ganowski , Receiving—PA: Fiscalini K: Campos , Sheets Defending 1B state. The two teams locked horns in a nonleague battle in the first game of the year with the Blackhawks coming out winners to give the Red Devils their only loss of the year.
In a tune-up for that game, Josiah Greene, who had yards on six carries, scored four times on the ground, another two times with passes and a seventh time on a yard kickoff return.
The Red Devils led after one quarter and at halftime. Pleines ended up with passing yards, of them to Schreier, who had seven catches. Josiah Greene led Neah Bay with passing yards for a total of offensive yards.
Quilcene , hosts Clallam Bay , on Saturday afternoon in a game it must have to keep its 1B playoff hopes alive. Greene 31 run Z. Greene pass from J. Greene NB—Pascua 16 run J. Greene Z. Greene 48 kickoff return pass failed NB—J. NB: J. Greene , Hawkins , Halttunen Passing—Q: Pleines , yards. Greene , yards; Dulik , 42 yards. Receiving—Q: Schreier , Colton Greene , Tyler , Hawkins Olympic League Conf.
Overall Charles Wright Cascade Christ. Oly 3 plays at Seamount 1. Oly 4 plays at Seamount 3 in pigtail playoff. Nisqually League: Top four teams advance to postseason.
Champion receives automatic 1A state berth. Nisqually 2 hosts Northwest Dist. Nisqually 3 plays at Northwest Dist. Nisqually 4 plays at Northwest Dist.
Wolves: North Kitsap continues to flourish in win Continued from B1 from the sideline in the final two quarters after Sequim , now tweaking a groin injury must hope for a Kingston that hobbled him last week. Kitsap built a lead. Weible said. Freed by a block from J. Nettleton, McCorkle then took off down the field and sprinted into the end zone for a yard touchdown reception. But each time the Wolves made a move into North Kitsap territory, the Viking defense stiffened. Catelli ran just four times for 8 yards while throwing for yards on of passing with two interceptions.
Backup quarterbacks Jack Wiker and Cody Field 3-of-6 passing, 48 yards also performed admirably in relief of Catelli. Jack Wiker finished with 67 yards and a touchdown on 12 carries, but also had a long scoring run brought back on a holding call on the opening possession of the second half.
Instead of drawing within 17 points with a TD, the Wolves got the ball outside the North Kitsap 20 because of the penalty. Running back Lopaka Yasumura fumbled three plays later. Even after Jack Wiker and Field were able to take the Wolves to an yard touchdown drive on their next possession, North Kitsap came back with a play march that lasted nearly seven minutes.
It was just a tough game. The Vikings also ran for. Sequim managed to force one turnover when Victor Gonzalez recovered a fumbled option pitch from Milyard near its own goal line in the first half. Yet that was one of the few defensive highlights for a Sequim team that had yards of offense itself. North Kitsap 33, Sequim 13 Sequim Home. Passing—S: Catelli , ; Field , 48; Wiker , NK: Milyard , Mannion finished 26 of 34 and threw another TD in the fourth quarter. Washington State lost quarterback Jeff Tuel at halftime with an apparent injury.
He was replaced by Marshall Lobbestael, but the Cougars never stopped the Beavers offense. The Cougars , dropped their third straight after a promising start to the season and now face the teeth of their schedule with upcoming games at Oregon, California, home for Arizona.
State and the Apple Cup against rival Washington in the final five weeks of the season. While Washington State has already surpassed its win total from a year ago, the expectation was the Cougars would need to be in bowl contention to earn coach Paul Wulff an extension.
Saturday was considered a must-win for the Cougars to inch closer to that six-win mark. Instead, it was the Beavers playing with the urgency Washington State lacked. No matter what happens the previous team mark of in a victory over Oregon next week at Southern California, the victory almost State in Not a bad time for the half that killed any momenCardinal to fly south to the tum for the Washington. Facing the first ranked Coliseum. Luck threw for yards ing a yard scamper with and two touchdowns and remaining in the fourth completed 16 of 21 passes quarter that gave Stanford.
Stanford coach David Shaw practically apologized for the late score, admitting he just hoped to run out the clock with the backups in the game. Jordan Williamson kicked the first of his three field goals from 39 yards to put the Cardinal ahead Polk broke two tackles up the sideline on yard touchdown run for his first score.
Then he sprinted untouched through the middle for 61 yards to bring the Huskies within early in the second quarter. Just when it seemed the Cardinal might finally be tested, they ran away from yet another opponent. Luck followed by connecting with Drew Terrell from 5 yards out for his second touchdown pass to give the Cardinal a lead.
I just missed him. In a half where the offenses ran wild, the biggest play might have come on defense. Thomas broke the game open when he stepped in front of a receiver over the middle and picked off a pass from Price. He raced 62 yards down the sideline, stepping over the diving quarterback to put Stanford ahead at the break. Whitehurst entered in relief of Jackson against the Giants and helped Seattle to 13 offensive points in the fourth quarter to pick up the victory.
On TV: Ch. So throws were going. It puts presdo that. Louis that right, throwing side, as of clinched the NFC West title with a record. It will be the back half of a St. Louis-Texas style doubleheader — earlier in the day, the Rams play the Dallas Cowboys right across the parking lot.
Pujols, the most feared in the fourth for a lead. The outburst by Pujols right in the middle — he park went silent when came a day after he was became the first player in Pujols started swinging for barbed by the media for not Series history to get hits in the fences, and beyond.
His three-run shot in the sticking around to talk four straight innings. So much for any worries sixth rattled the windows of about a Game 2 error and loss.
This time, everyone about Pujols making a dent. What Manny Manis had happened upon was the remains of a mastodon that once roamed the region, one that was hunted down and butchered as long as 14, years ago.
A native of Sequim, Robb-Kahler recalled how the Manis site was a huge draw when it opened to visitors in First evidence It was the first evidence showing a direct association between man and mastodon on the North American continent — of man hunting and killing the large, elephant-like creatures that once roamed the region but fell to extinction.
Then Thursday, the journal Science released an arti-. It was a mere accident that Manis was using a backhoe to dig a pond at the time of his discovery more than 30 years ago.
By luck he found it, so what can you say? Now there is no doubt about it. He was digging a pond on his farm when he uncovered the historic find. Interest rates as low as 3. Carl Gustafson, Washington State University zoologist who led the archaeological dig team, examines the bone spear point embedded in the rib bone of the mastodon discovered by Emanuel Manis on Aug. Based on a simple interest rate of 3. Actual APR will be determined when you apply and will be based on many factors including credit history, vehicle age, and the term of your loan.
Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Member of FDIC. Concrete monument Manis Hatler stood Friday at the concrete monument her husband built, firmly embedding the plaque that then-Gov.
Dixie Lee Ray gave to them to mount. It is just off the road on the edge of the field filled in and overgrown with canary grass over where an archaeological dig took place from to The Manis site revealed the skeletal remains of a partly butchered mastodon, about 8 to 9 feet tall at the shoulder and weighing maybe 6 tons, at least two millennia before Clovis.
Bone and other ivory not to damage the points and tools are com- bones they uncovered mon in the Upper Paleolithic of Siberia and else- then washed down to where.
The invention and Gustafson said he spread of new hunting gave 15 lectures the weapons, such as Clovis first year he was at the stone spear point, may have accelerated the demise of farm site.
He said he the mastodon and other also hired a person to megafauna, the new findoperate a laboratory in ings state. Bering land bridge The Manis inhabitants were believed to have migrated to North America from Northeastern and Central Asia, much like the Clovis people, crossing the Bering land bridge through present-day Alaska.
Gustafson, one of the scientists who wrote the Science journal article, was finally recognized after 34 years and new technologies verified his findings. That helped them conclude the point was 10 inches long and had been sharpened, said Gustafson, who dug on the Manis site from to , taking a year off in Gustafson said he left the site knowing full well then what he had found.
A Washington State University archaeology student looks over molars on a mastodon jaw found at the Manis site south of Sequim. Gustafson said he gave 15 lectures the first year he was at the farm site. He said he also hired a person to operate a laboratory in the Manis garage. Gustafson has been retired from WSU but said his studies will not end with the Manis mastodon.
He said he has other findings and different bone artifacts from the Manis site that he has not reported. Cages, feeders and misc. They cleared a parking lot and a path from it to the site.
They rented portable toilets and put up fencing to control visitors on the site. She even designed T-shirts they sold to make extra money. In the fall months, Manny, who was a school bus driver, hauled children to the site from area schools. Bassett said that, as MAC director for a little more than a year, he wants to not only get the museum up to speed, but also to add new exhibits to expand on the mastodon discovery, elaborating more on its prehistoric importance here.
He sees a future of new and younger visitors that need to be engaged in the museum. Expansion of exhibit Bassett said he proposed to the MAC board Thursday night the development of a strategic long-term planning program to expand. Tuesday through Saturday at the exhibit center, W. Cedar St. It features a mural by Port Townsend artists Cory and Catska Ench with a set of mastodon bones affixed to it to give a sense of size and proportion.
It also features a video that the Manises produced and Manny narrated. A glassed-in case shows a mockup of how the mastodon was found in a marshland after it was killed. Besides the mastodon, he said he found the remains of six bison on the Manis site and hoped to compare his. Did they travel to the distant north, or did they just move to other regions within the state?
Banding studies could contribute interesting data on these birds, but I know of no such studies being done at the present. Different colors show where the bird can be found at different seasons. Western Washington is Carson very close to the overlapping area but not so close that golden-crowns nest here.
Birds nesting in British Columbia may travel south toward California and Mexico. Aleutian birds and those that nested far north probably settle into the Pacific Northwest. I like to think the goldencrowns that stay in our yard during the winter nested on the Aleutian chain. In addition to their handsome Where they nest appearance, these birds have a There are some records that call or song that has an almost suggest golden-crowned sparrows magical quality to it.
These large sparrows range Three notes make up the most over the entire west coast of familiar call. The northern tip of their win- grasses and weeds. Wild rose thickets are good tering range British Columbia to places to expect both species.
Mexico extends a little beyond Many birds now moving the southern tip of their nesting through or into our yards are range British Columbia to juveniles, birds raised this year. A golden-crowned sparrow roots around for food. Most sparrows are ground feeders, and these are no exception. They will use platform feeders that are easily accessible but are more at home scratching about in the bushes.
A few handfuls of mixed bird seed scattered under the bushes in the vicinity of the feeders keep the golden-crowns satisfied. Nicknames given to birds often carry interesting stories that try to explain how the bird got one of its common titles.
The crow is classified as a predatory bird WAC A hunting license and an open season are required to shoot them. Hunting regulations for Upland Game Season state that crows can be hunted statewide from Oct.
Contact her at P. Box , Poulsbo, WA , with a selfaddressed, stamped envelope for a reply. Email: joanpcarson comcast. Clubs and Organizations Port Angeles Quilters meet Peninsula Quilters members make baby quilts for needy newborns and meet the second and.
Seventh St. Members have set a goal of quilts a year. For more information, phone. Motorcyclists American Legion Riders of Port Angeles is a group of motorcycle enthusiasts who ride to.
They ride for patriotic escorts and, occasionally, just for fun. The official meeting is the fourth Monday of every month and will immediately follow the. All qualified veterans riding any kind of motorcycle are welcome to join. I am happy with my life. As time went on, we became friendly. Tom is in his 70s, and I am in my early 40s. I was touched and saw no harm in it.
We had dinner a few times and went to a couple of movies. A family emergency came up, and I was able to. I thought it would cool him off. For my birthday last month, Tom presented me with a jewelry box and a bracelet with my birthstone. What on earth is Tom thinking? Do you know what they call a middle-aged woman who hooks up with an old man?
A nurse! Return his gifts with a short note explaining that you did not understand. He could be in treatDear Abby: Today, after ment for cancer. Dear Abby: We immune disorder that He looked the same as recently moved to a small caused him to lose his hair.
Our neighbors came teer more information, you He said he felt fine but over to introduce them— could it be cancer? Che- were right not to question selves, and we adore them him. Should one already. Tell him you like him and always will but not in the way he would like you to and that you hope he will find someone who can reciprocate his feelings. And do not be surprised if he takes his business to some other restaurant.
Center, S. Francis St. Fourth of Clallam County will St. There will be a social at the Republican headprogram. Lincoln St. Guests and visitors are The organization will welcome. For more information, For more information, phone ; phone phone or Curtis Beus, president, at email rrrhale yahoo. All are welcome. For more information,.
They are planning on helping 77 local residents escape from their old car and drive home in a nicer, newer car, SUV, minivan or truck.
Submit your club news The weekly Clubs and Organizations listing focuses on groups across the North Olympic Peninsula. There is no cost to have your club included. Phone Larry Kelly. This will be a 69th char- Pilots Association Safety ter celebration for the club, Breakfast will be Friday at a. They just start to hate the thing. A solution to this problem is not common but, as Ostroot told us, neither is he and what they do at Price Superstore.
Part of what they are escaping from is everyday problems, like issues with their car. And believe it or not, used cars are worth more right now than ever before. With slowdowns in vehicle production and natural disasters affecting the supply of cars from the manufacturers, the used car market is hot.
We bring the person into the process. We tell your specific story. With my process the lenders see you as a person where traditionally they just see a bunch of stats. Pounds Sensibly met Oct. Jim Black was king in the under category, and award winners in the over40 category were Danielle Traudt and Linda Gentry. The group meets every Wednesday at St. Park Ave. The meeting is from a. For further information, phone The video story with the most comments and likes will win a flat-screen TV.
I believe everyone deserves to drive a nicer, newer car and never be stuck in a car they hate. To take advantage of this generous offer, visit Price Superstore in Port Angeles or call to schedule an appointment to create your customized Old Car Escape Plan. Front St. Rebates to dealer. On select models. With purchase at retail. Some negative equity may be refinanced. Fall foliage an explosion of colors BY NOW, ANYONE who has read this column for more than a year knows I am a huge proponent of fall foliage color and how everyone must plant at least one new and different color and or response time tree, bush, shrub, vine or perennial precisely for its outstanding autumn interest each fall.
Today is the perfect time to remake this appeal, for not only are we just about to begin the ideal time to plant such items, but nurseries are full of blazing fall color. Explosion of colors Vine maple explodes in burning embers, the burning bush ablaze in red, sweetgums, maples, oaks, sourwood, sumac, witchhazel, viburnum, birches, grasses, even peonies are but a few of the specimens decked out so brightly displaying their harvest moon colors.
And since we are in the week of prime color, as you drive around to nurseries and plan a. What makes some leaves red, others orange, others from greens to yellow or gold, some purple or my personal favorite, ember? Why are there good years, bad years, some times early seasons while other years, the trees turn late? Science, my friends, and I love science, so here we go: the science of fall leaf color: To begin, many people believe frost or the significantly cooler days of autumn cause the leaves to turn, but this is now understood to be only one of many environmental factors that causes the process.
It begins with the actual cycle of deciduous trees, whose new growth and leaves occur in a very short period of time from buds last year that overwintered. Most deciduous tress have. These new buds will not, and cannot, open until they experience the cold temperatures and long nights of winter.
Chlorophyll replacement Chlorophyll, however, breaks down in sunlight and must be constantly replaced within the leaf. As the Earth tilts away from the sun and temperatures and light intensity lower greatly in late summer, a threshold value is reached, and the scientific magic of fall color begins a cascade effect that ends in a blaze of various colors. This blockage begins to increasingly choke off the flow of water and nutrient to the leaf.
The leaf in turn begins to slow, then discontinue chlorophyll production, and here we go! The intense green nature of chlorophyll hides — actually masks — other pigments present in the leaves throughout the growing season.
As the chlorophyll production first lessens then ceases, these cover-up pigments emerge as the primary hues of the leaf, and fall color is revealed.
Then, as frost, wind and rain descend, the fully blocked-off, strangled leaf drops to the ground. Varying pigments The rainbow of color is achieved because of the varying pigments in each species of tree. Yellow color, for example, is from pigments known as xanthophylls, orange pigments as carotenoids.
Red colors, which tend to be very intense, and purple hues are anthocyanins and are manufactured from the sugars left in the leaf as it is choked off by the corky layer.
Some tree species take longer into the season to defoliate, and many turn a yellow then stony. Weather influences color, whereas cool night temperatures combined with sunlight this year promotes more anthocyanins red and purple. Freezing temperatures destroy pigment early, and hard frost especially ends fall color. Strong winds rip the weakened and blocked-off leaf from the stem while abundant sunlight and cool temperatures our normal year cause chlorophyll to be destroyed more rapidly and evenly.
Severe weather, especially drought, triggers an earlier response. And for us this year as with most, a growing season with ample moisture, followed by a dry, cool autumn with sunny days and cool nights, set up the best conditions for perfect color, so you must plant an autumn sensation every year. Box , Port Angeles, WA , or email news peninsuladailynews. The Washington Federation of Garden Clubs has clubs and members. National Garden Clubs NGC , a not-forprofit educational organization, is composed of 50 state garden clubs and the National Capital Area, 6, member garden clubs and , members.
Olympic Peninsula District officers are elected to serve two consecutive years. Newcomers meal Reservations must be made by Saturday for the Tuesday, Nov. He will discuss what needs to be done in gardens this time of year and will bring plants. Socializing begins at a. To reserve a place, members and guests should phone Soroptimist International of Sequim meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month through June from 7 a. Visitors are welcome. For further information, visit www.
Hanek believes that citizen involvement can change our state, and she has spent many hours in Olympia testifying on bills and discussing issues with legislators from both sides of the aisle.
She credits involvement of concerned parents from around the state for some of the changes in the. Sequim Ave. Robert Beebe, owner of Olympic Game Farm, will be the guest speaker. Pinochle group A double-deck pinochle group meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 6 p. Members host the card games once or twice a year in their homes. For more information, phone Brenda Holton at or Christine Hohman at Phone information about athome or out-of-town births to or Refreshments and socializing will begin at p.
For more information and to arrange carpooling, phone Clover Gowing at Sequim arts Catherine Mix is the guest speaker Thursday at St. Mix uses a new technique with an under-painting of watercolor finished with pastels. She will demonstrate the technique as well as show the products. A coffee starts at a. The meeting and program will be over at noon.