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Sequence data is not described from Queensland, Australia Hyde , and available. Campbell et al. Fournier et al. Asexual morph Taeniolella-like. Sexual morph Descrip- Submersisphaeria aquatica K. Hyde tion and illustrations see Zelski et al.
There is only one submerged wood Campbell et al. Asexual morph: Taeniolella-like, see Zelski et al. Sequence data is not Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Description available. Longicollum Zelski et al. Sexual morph: Descrip- Mycologia 92 5 : tion and illustrations see Zelski et al. Notes: The genus Vertexicola is characterized by asci Type species: Longicollum biappendiculatum Zelski with a refractive apical ring and a tail-like pedicel and et al.
Barbosa Longicollum biappendiculatum Zelski et al. Sequence data is not debris; Peru, Camanti, stream at Quincemil Trail 1, on available. Reservoir, submerged wood Ranghoo et al.
Submersisphaeria K. Hyde, Nova Hedwigia 62 1—2 : Atractosporales Zhang et al. Notes: Holotype PRM Luo, K. Su, sp. RPB2 sequence data are available. Atractospora ellipsoidea Ho et al. Fryar et al. Sexual morph Shearer Ascomata — lm high, — lm diam. LSU globose to subglobose, unilocular. Ostiole periphysate. Atractospora thailandensis Dong et al. Fourn 18—, holotype. Sexual morph Description and smaller ascospores 15—19 vs.
Atractospora aquatica also resembles A. However, Atractospora abscondita, collected from freshwater in France. This is a aquatica differs from A. Yverneaux, on submerged twigs of Abies alba in a peat bog Sequence data is unavailable. Diaporthales Nannf. Asexual morph: Undetermined Diaporthaceae Hohn.
Barr, Mycotaxon 60 globose. Conidiophores cylindrical, sometimes filiform, Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Ascomata aseptate or septate, cylindrical, sometimes branched.
Coni- subglobose to obpyriform to lageniform, brown or exter- dia dimorphic, hyaline, smooth, with usually fusiform and nally with yellowish pigments, glabrous or slightly rugose, biguttulate alpha conidia and usually filiform, hamate, non- with short to long papilla or with long upright neck.
Sexual morph Ascomata globose to Peridium comprising two or three layers. Paraphyses subglobose, coriaceous, immersed to semi-immersed, sin- numerous, septate, hyaline. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, gle to clustered, brown to black. Neck cylindrical, black. Paraphyses cylindrical, longer than asci, septate. Asci remnants attached to the ascogenous hyphae after dehis- 8-spored, unitunicate, thin-walled, apedicellate, broad cence.
Ascospores ellipsoidal to reniform to navicular, cylindrical to obclavate, with a minute apical ring. As- aseptate or transversely 1-septate with one or two polar cospores overlapping biseriate, ellipsoidal to fusiform, germ pores, brown. Type species: Diaporthe eres Nitschke, Pyrenomyc.
Barr, Mycotaxon 61 Germ. Three species have been names in the genus Diaporthe, but this was reduced to found in freshwater habitats. Hu et al. Cai duced a new Diaporthe species D. Diaporthe aquatica Hu et al. Gnomoniaceae G. LSU sequence data is Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Descrip- available. Jobellisia luteola was originally collected from tions and illustrations refer to Senanayake et al.
Sogonov et al. Hyde rum. Monod in host associations. Distribution: Malaysia, on submerged wood Ho et al. Ambarignomonia petiolorum Schwein. Sogonov Asexual morph: Undetermined Ges. Leipzig 1: Gnomoniella : Gnomonia petiolorum Schwein.
Cooke, Gre- microspora was originally collected from terrestrial habi- villea 7: 54 tats Monod Same as Gno- specimens collected from freshwater habitats: ILLS , moniella microspora, the original collection of G. However, we sequence data are available. Fallah and Shearer consider this species as freshwater fungus as Ho et al.
Colonies on PDA effuse, Ambarignomonia petiolorum. Conidio- Gnomonia Ces. Asexual morph see Sivanesan and Shaw Sexual Conidiogenous cells monophialidic, determinate, with morph Description see Maharachchikumbura et al.
Conidia straight or curved, oblong, hya- Type species: Gnomonia vulgaris Ces. Sexual morph Ascomata immersed, subglo- Comm. Peridium composed of 2 layers, with and De Notaris and typified by Gnomonia gnomon. Paraphyses hyaline, broad, septate. Asci unituni- Shaw ; Fallah and Shearer ; Senanayake et al.
J-, subapical ring. Ascospores cylindrical, straight or Gnomonia papuana Sivan. Shaw curved, versicolorous, transseptate, brown with hyaline or Distribution: Papua New Guinea, on submerged leaves pale brown end cells. Sivanesan and Shaw Sequence data is not Phruensis with a single species P. No more species reported for Gnomoniella Sacc.
Sexual morph Ascomata Phruensis brunneispora Pinruan globose to subglobose, immersed. Asci cylindrical, subsessiles. Ascospores fusiform, horn peat swamp forest, on submerged palm in freshwater ellipse, hyaline, septate. Type species: Gnomoniella tubaeformis Tode Sacc. Abellini 1: b Notes: Kirk et al. SSU genus Gnomoniella. Two species have been found in sequence data is available. Culture on PDA from above i and reverse j. Culture on PDA from surface l and reverse m.
Culture on PDA from above n and reverse o. Culture on MEA from above l and reverse m. Scale bars: c—k 30 lm Distoseptisporales Z. Luo, H. Hyde, ord. Conidio- Notes: Distoseptisporaceae was established by Su et al.
Conidiogenous phology and phylogeny. Culture on PDA from above o and reverse p. Scale Distoseptisporales.
Phylogenetic results show that Asexual morph Description and illustration see Su et al. Distoseptispora appendiculata is distinct from other spe- and Yang et al. Sexual morph cies of Distoseptispora Fig.
Distoseptispora aquatica Luo et al. Type species: Distoseptispora aquatica Luo et al. Notes: Su et al. Currently, there are 13 species in Dis- Distoseptispora cangshanensis Luo et al.
Mountain, on submerged wood Luo et al. Sexual morph: Undetermined Distoseptispora appendiculata D. Bao, Z. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, olivaceous or Distoseptispora guttulata J. Hyde mid-brown, hairy, velvety. Mycelium mostly immersed, Facesoffungi number: FoF , Fig. Conidiophores 62—86 lm long, 4. Mycelium partly superficial, partly matous, solitary, erect, straight or flexuous, olivaceous or immersed, consisting of branched, septate, smooth, sub- brown, 5—6-septate, smooth. Conidiogenous cells hyaline to pale brown hyphae.
Conidiophores 28—84 lm monoblastic, holoblastic, terminal, dark brown. Conidiogenous below, hyaline towards apex, truncate at base, slender and cells monoblastic, integrated, terminal, determinate, mid to rounded at apex, smooth, with a conspicuous, gelatinous, dark brown, cylindrical, sometimes proliferating percur- hyaline sheath around tip.
Sexual morph Undetermined. Conidia 70— — lm long, 8. Notes: Distoseptispora appendiculata resembles D. However, Distoseptispora appendicu- lata is easily distinguished from D.
The best scoring RAxML tree with a final likelihood value of – RAxML bootstrap support values equal to or greater 5—9-euseptate conidia, while D. Bayesian euseptate conidia. Phylogenetically, Distoseptispora gut- posterior probability equal to or higher than 0.
Ex-type or ex-epitype strains are in species Fig. Hyde Facesoffungi number: FoF , Fig. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, dark olive- et al. Conidiophores 29—47 lm long, 4—6 lm Distoseptispora guttulata was introduced by matous, solitary, brown, 2—3-septate, straight or slightly Yang et al. Morphologically, our iso- apex, olive-green to dark brown. Conidiogenous cells late fits well with the characters of D. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that our isolate determinate, cylindrical.
Conidia — lm long, 12— clusters with ex-type of D. Conidial seces- K. Hyde, sp. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, scattered, hairy, Hua Hin, on submerged wood in a stream Hyde et al. Mycelium mostly immersed, com- b. Distoseptispora multiseptata was introduced by uous, 6—septate, unbranched, cylindrical, brown, Yang et al. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, integrated, ter- freshwater stream in Thailand. Morphologically, our iso- minal, determinate, brown, cylindrical.
Conidia 60— late fits well with the characters of D. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that our acrogenous, solitary or catenate, obclavate, truncate at isolate clusters with ex-type of D. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, dark olivaceous, cylindrical, septate conidiophores, solitary or in groups on hairy. Scale bars: b, c lm, Notes: Distoseptispora obclavata resembles D. However, Distoseptispora brown hyphae. Conidiophores 93— lm long, 5. Phylogenetic results show that Distosep- flexuous, tapering distally, truncate at the apex.
Conidio- tispora appendiculata is distinct from other species of genous cells monoblastic, integrated, terminal, brown, Distoseptispora Fig. Conidia — lm long, 13—15 lm wide Distoseptispora obpyriformis Z. Notes: Distoseptispora neorostrata shares similar mor- Sexual morph: Undetermined phological characters with D. However, the multi-gene phylogenetic analyses Distoseptispora rostrata Luo et al. Su, on submerged wood Luo et al. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, olivaceous or on submerged wood Luo et al.
Conidiophores Conidiogenous cells River Yang et al. Sexual Distoseptisporales genera incertae sedis morph Undetermined. Aquapteridospora Yang et al. Yang, K. Both of these species also Notes: Yang et al. Aquapteridospora with single asexual species, A lignicola, However, A. In this study, we introduce the second species without a sheath, while the conidia of A.
Aquapteridospora was placed as guttules in the middle cells and a conspicuous sheath. Diaporthomycetidae genera incertae sedis by Yang et al. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that A. In our phylogenetic analysis, Aquapteridospora lignicola are distinct from other species, but they cluster species form a distinct clade within Distoseptisporales and together with strong support Fig. To further basal to Distoseptisporaceae, and we therefore treat this support A. Aquapteridospora lignicola Yang et al.
Sexual morph: Undetermined Magnaporthales Thongk et al. LSU sequence data is Ceratosphaeriaceae Z. Hyde, available. Aquapteridospora fusiformis Z. Luo, D. Bao, H. Phialides or short number: FoF , Fig. Conidiogenous cells fungus. Conidia cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater. Sexual morph Stromata absent. Ascomata globose Asexual morph Colonies on the natural substrate effuse, to pyriform, deeply immersed to almost superficial, dark hairy, pale brown to brown.
Mycelium superficial or partly brown to black, carbonaceous, with a long cylindrical, immersed, composed of branched, septate, pale brown to black or yellow crystals neck. Periphyses well-developed. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, fairly tate, smooth, thick-walled, brown at the base, paler towards thin-walled, the apex truncate, with a conspicuous J-apical apex. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, terminal, later ring. Ascospores arranged biseriately, narrowly cylindric- becoming intercalary, pale brown, integrated, with several fusiform, or filiform, the ends acute, thin-walled, hyaline, sympodial proliferations, bearing tiny, protuberant, circular septate, guttulate, smooth-walled.
Conidia 14—18 lm long, 5—7 lm wide Type genus: Ceratosphaeria Niessl, Verh. Phylogeneti- Undetermined. Morphologically, Pseudohalonectriaceae is 18—, holotype , ex-type living culture MFLUCC characterized by erumpent to immersed ascomata with a 18— Scale b Appearance of neck on substrate. Culture on PDA from surface k and reverse l. Scale bars: b lm, c 50 lm, d— Holotype: MFLU 18— f 30 lm, g—j 20 lm Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater habitats.
Sexual morph Ascomata — lm high, — lm diam. Ceratosphaeriaceae is distinct solitary. Neck long, surface smooth, at times with yellow from Pseudohalonectriaceae in having narrowly cylindric- crystals. Peridium 29—43 lm thick, composed of an inner fusiform to filiform, longer ascospores.
We therefore layer of flattened hyaline cells, a middle layer of small, introduce a new family Ceratosphaeriaceae to accommo- polygonal to irregular, pale brown cells, an outer layer of date Ceratosphaeria.
Pa- Ceratosphaeria Niessl, Verh. Ascospores 89—95 9 4— slimy, inconspicuous, and transparent. Conidia cylin- Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, saprobic drical with curvature, hyaline, narrowly rounded at both on decaying wood submerged in a freshwater river, April ends, aseptate, smooth.
However, Cer- detached, scattered to densely aggregated. Peridium com- atosphaeria aquatica differs from C. Interascal tissue of tulate, septate, larger ascospores 89—95 9 4—7 vs.
Ceratosphaeria aquatica also periphyses well-developed. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, shares similar morphological characters with C. However, conspicuous, J-, apical ring. Ascospores arranged biseri- Ceratosphaeria aquatica differs from C.
Type species: Ceratosphaeria lampadophora Berk. Notes: The genus Ceratosphaeria was introduced by nat. In this study, we introduce two new species 67 7 : in Ceratosphaeria. Asexual morph: Harpophora-like. Ceratosphaeria aquatica Z.
The best scoring RAxML tree with a final likelihood 94— vs. RAxML bootstrap support fusiform, 5—7-septate ascospores. Bayesian posterior probability equal to or higher than 0. Cannon than 0. Newly generated sequences are in red. Ex-type or ex- Aquafiliformis Z. Su, gen. Sexual morph Ascomata immersed with neck swamps Shearer and Crane Peridium composed of an inner Notes: Sequence data is not available.
Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical number: FoF , Fig. Ascospores filiform, aseptate, guttulate, Etymology: Referring to this fungus dwelling on wood. Su freshwater. Sexual morph Notes: Aquafiliformis morphologically resembles Cer- Ascomata — lm diam. Peridium Paraphyses 18— clusters in Magnaporthaceae, while Cer- 4. Asci — 9 11—13 lm atosphaeriaceae Fig. Twenty genera with available molecular Ascospores 94— 9 3.
However, our decaying wood submerged in a freshwater stream, October strain differs from Muraeriata species in having globose to , Z. Ceratosphaeria lignicola differs ascospores, while Muraeriata species have lageniform to from C. Cer- creating large empty pockets, with an external brown crust atosphaeria lignicola also shares similar morphological and narrowly fusiform, septate ascospores Huhndorf et al. Curtis Sacc. Abellini 2: Nograsek ; Hyde a.
Therefore, we introduce a Notes: Saccardo introduced Ophioceras based on new genus Aquafiliformis to accommodate our collections. Ophioceras Aquafiliformis lignicola Z. Su, species are commonly encountered on decaying woody sp. Etymology: Referring to this fungus dwelling on wood.
Ophioceras aquaticus Hu et al. Sexual morph Asexual morph: Undetermined Ascomata — lm high, — lm diam. Peridium Ophioceras arcuatisporum Shearer et al. Paraphyses 4. Sequence data drical to clavate, hyaline.
Ascospores 57—69 9 2. However, Aquafiliformis lignicola differs Ophioceras dolichostomum Berk. Curtis Sacc from Neogaeumannomyces bambusicola in having differ- : Sphaeria dolichostoma Berk.
Curtis, Soc. Aquafiliformis Bot. Phyloge- wood Hyde b ; Japan, Koito River, on submerged netic analysis also support that they belong to different wood Tsui et al.
Ophioceraceae Klaubauf et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined Ophioceras Sacc. Abellini 2: Notes: Holotype anon. Peridium thick, blackened. Pa- Ophioceras fusiforme Shearer et al. Asci 8-spored, cylindrical, with small, refractive, apical rings.
Culture on PDA from above k and reverse l. Scale bars: apically rounded. Lin, stream, on submerged decorticated woody debris Shearer B MFLU 18—, holotype , ex-type living culture, et al.
SSU sequence based on multi-gene phylogenetic analyses and is related to data obtained from ex-type culture is available. Ophioceras submersum resembles O. Lain Tsuen gense in having subglobose, black ascomata with a long River, on submerged wood Tsui et al. However, Ophio- Asexual morph: Undetermined ceras submersum differs from O. Sequence data is not smaller ascomata and longer asci Tsui et al. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that they are distinct Ophioceras hongkongense Tsui et al.
Lain Tsuen Ophioceras tenuisporum Shearer et al. River, on submerged wood Tsui et al. Iqbal J. Walker tubulin sequence data are available. Synonym: Gaeumannomyces leptosporus S. Iqbal, Ophioceras venezuelense Shearer et al. Ophioceras submersum D. Muroi, Trans. Japan 19 2 : Etymology: Referring to the submerged habitats of the Asexual morph Hyphomycetous, phialidic. Phialides fungus hyaline, micronematous, flask-shaped.
Sexual morph Ascomata immersed or Saprobic on decaying wood, submerged wood in partially immersed, with a long neck, globose to subglo- freshwater. Sexual morph bose. Peridium membranous. Paraphyses numerous, sep- Ascomata — lm diam.
Asci unitunicate, cylindrical, straight or solitary, deeply immersed, subglobose or ellipsoidal, cori- curved, with J-, thimble-shaped apical ring. Ascospores aceous, black, with a long black neck. Ostiole central, with overlapping uniseriate to biseriate, multi-seriate, filiformes, straight upright neck at one end, black, periphysate. Japan 19 2 : layer of pseudoparenchyma cells occluded with brown Notes: The genus Pseudohalonectria was introduced to amorphous material, dark brown cells of textura angularis.
Paraphyses 7—10 lm wide, hyaline, septate, constricted at Hongsanan et al. Sixteen species are accepted in this submerged woody debris from Deer Pond Shearer genus, of which six species have been reported from a, b. Sequence data is not Pseudohalonectria adversaria Shearer available. The best the forward slash red. Newly generated sequences is presented. RAxML bootstrap support values equal to or greater than are in red. Ascospores ellip- from Quiver Creek Shearer Asexual morph: Undetermined Type species: Myrmecridium schulzeri Sacc.
Twelve species are accepted in this genus submerged wood Cai et al. Peintner et al. Muroi Myrmecridium aquaticum Z. Mycelium immersed, Pseudohalonectria longirostrum Shearer composed of septate, branched, smooth, hyaline hyphae. Distribution: Panama, a twig submerged in Shannon Conidiophores — lm long, 5—7 lm wide Creek Shearer Sequence data is not cylindrical, percurrently proliferating, brown, paler available.
Conidiogenous Pseudohalonectria lutea Shearer cells holoblastic, polyblastic, integrated, terminal, later Distribution: China, Yunnan Province, Lake Fuxian, on becoming intercalary, subhyaline to pale brown. Conidia submerged wood Cai et al.
LSU Sexual morph Undetermined sequence data is available. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, integrated, freshwater stream, March , X. Liu, S Conidia solitary, subhyaline, Notes: Myrmecridium aquaticum resembles M. Sexual morph Ascomata solitary or brown conidiophores, integrated, terminal and intercalary aggregated in small groups, immersed, hyaline to pale conidiogenous cells and obovoid, smooth conidia rounded brown.
Papilla or short necks centrally located, opening at the apex Crous et al. However, Myrmecridium flush with the wood surface or slightly projecting. Ostiole aquaticum differs from M. Clypeus positioned slightly beneath the wood conidiophores — vs. Ascomatal wall two layered. Paraphyses hyaline, longer conidia 14—16 vs. Phylogenetic Distribution: India, on submerged wood in freshwater analysis shows that Myrmecridium aquaticum is distinct Chary and Ramarao Asexual morph: Undetermined Myrmecridium fluviae Hyang B.
Nguyen Notes: Sequence data is not available. River located in Gwangju, from a freshwater sample Phomatosporaceae Senan. Hyde Tibpromma et al. Phomatospora Sacc. Sexual morph Ascomata solitary to rarely sequence data are available. Peridium com- Notes: Holotype PRM , other specimens col- prising small, brown pseudoparenchymatous cells forming lected from freshwater habitats: PRM , PRM a textura angularis to textura prismatica or inner, hyaline, Asci 8-spored, unitu- Subbaromyces Hesselt.
Torrey bot. Club nicate, cylindrical or oblong-fusiform, thin-walled, short stalked or sessile, apex oblong with J-, apical apparatus. Asexual morph Conidiophores branched, septate. Conidia Ascospores uniseriate, rarely biseriate, overlapping unise- hyaline, smooth-walled, asepate, exogenously formed, riate to biseriate, ellipsoidal to fusiform, 0—3-septate, not ellipsoid. Sexual morph Ascomata partially submerged, constricted at the septum, sometimes bi-guttulate, guttules later superficial, membranous, syringe-shaped, beak divi- located at the ends of the cell, or longitudinally striate, ded into two portions by a large pronounced collar, with sometimes with filamentous appendages at both ends, upper portion tapering to a small ostiole, surrounded by a hyaline.
Paraphyses absent. Asci 8-spored, uni- Type species: Phomatospora berkeleyi Sacc. Ascospores bot. Senanayake et al. Club modate the genera Phomatospora, Lanspora and Notes: The genus was established by Hesseltine Tenuimurus. Members of the genus Phomatospora are for a taxon collected from trickling filter rocks in New widely distributed in freshwater, marine and terrestrial York, USA.
Two species were accepted within this genus habitats. Seven species of Phomatospora are known from Hesseltine ; Chary and Ramarao Muroi samples collected in India. In updated Sequence data is not Maharachchikumbura et al.
Phomatospora berkeleyi Sacc Subbaromyces aquaticus Manohar. Freunde, Berlin stems of Typha latifolia; Wisconsin, Trout lake, on sub- 3 1—2 : 41 merged stems of Carex comosa, Big Muskellunge lake, on Asexual morph Descriptions and illustrations refer to Su submerged stems of Scirpus brevicaudatus, Allequash lake, et al.
Sexual morph Descriptions and illustrations on submerged stems of Typha latifolia Fallah and Shearer refer to Zhang et al. Type species: Sporidesmium atrum Link, Mag. Asexual morph: Undetermined naturf.
Sporidesmium Phomatospora is a large and heterogeneous genus with epithets berkeleyi was originally collected from dead stalks of referred to the genus in Index Fungorum December Solanum on terrestrial habitats Saccardo Fallah and However, many previously described species were revised Shearer collected this species from freshwater and transferred to over 30 genera Iturriaga et al.
Studies based on phylogenetic analyses have been carried Phomatospora helvetica H. Lechat Sporidesmium aquaticivaginatum J.
Park, on submerged wood Hyde et al. Sporidesmium cangshanense Z. Hyde, Asexual morph: Undetermined nom. Sequence data is not Facesoffungi number: FoF available. Su, Z. Sequence data is not cangshanense. Sporidesmium dulongense Luo et al. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that Sexual morph: Undetermined Sporidesmium lageniforme and S.
TEF1a sequence data are available. Sporidesmium lignicola Z. Su, Sporidesmium fluminicola H. Hyde sp. Etymology: Referring to the fungus dwelling on wood. Asexual morph Colonies effuse on natural sub- Sporidesmium gyrinomorphum Yang et al. Mycelium Distribution: Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, immersed, composed of septate, branched, brown, smooth on decaying wood submerged in a freshwater stream Yang hyphae.
Conidiophores 50—70 lm long, 3—4 lm wide et al. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, 17— Conidia 21—27 lm long, 4. Ostiole — lm long, 78— lm wide, Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater. Peridium 30—44 lm thick, two- effuse, scattered, hairy, black. Mycelium mostly immersed, layered, outer layer comprising pale brown to brown, comprising of branched, septate, smooth-walled, brown oblong and rounded cells, inner layer comprising several hyphae.
Paraphyses 2. Asci greyish brown to dark brown, smooth. Sporidesmium lageniforme differs erumpent through the host surface, hyaline, unbranched, from S. The asexual an apical ring and fusiform, hyaline ascospores Zhang morph of Sporidesmium lignicola can be easily distin- et al.
However, Sporidesmium lignicola differs from guished from other Sporidesmium asexual morph species in S. We therefore small guttules, while S. Hyde larette funnel-shaped.
Conidia cylindrical, ellipsoid or Distribution: Thailand, Chiang Rai Province, stream obovoid, thick-walled, brown, aseptate. Paraphyses Sporidesmium pyriformatum J. Hyde present but deliquescent, irregular in width, rarely septate, Distribution: Thailand, Khiri Khan Province, Hua Hin, tapering towards the apices, embedded in a mucilaginous stream flowing outside Kaeng Krachan National Park, on matrix. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical to clavate, submerged wood Hyde et al.
Sporidesmium submersum H. Pinruan et al. This species was apparently linked sequence data are available. This Sporidesmium thailandense Dong et al. Tirisporellaceae, typified by a new genus Tirisporella a, b; Yang et al. Jones, K. The genus Thailan- Asexual morph: Undetermined diomyces phylogenetically resides in this family. Sporidesmium tropicale M. Togniniales Senan. Sporidesmium hyphae, single or bundled. Conidiophores branched in the tropicale was found on dead branches of woody plants and basal region or unbranched, arising from aerial or sub- is widely distributed in tropical areas Ellis ; Wu and merged hyphae, erect, nearly cylindrical when unbranched, Zhuang Conidiogenous cells mostly monophialidic, discrete or Tirisporellales Suetrong et al.
Conidia aggregated into round, slimy heads at Fungal Diversity 91 the apices of phialides, aseptate, hyaline, smooth-walled; Asexual morph Colonies on natural substrate effuse, oblong-ellipsoidal to obovate, cylindrical, allantoid or black. Mycelium superficial. Conidiophores macronema- reniform, uncommonly fusiform-ellipsoidal or globose, tous, mononematous, erect, brown, paler towards the apex, becoming guttulate with age.
Sexual morph Ascomata straight or flexuous, branched or unbranched. Culture on PDA from above h and reverse i. Paraphyses abundant, broadly cellular, slightly conical around the ostiole, papillate, dark brown to black, constricted at the septa, branching, hyaline, slightly taper- glabrous. Peridium leathery to fragile, consisting of two ing apically or thread-like towards the apex. Asci 8-spored, regions; outer region of carbonaceous, dark brown, angular unitunicate, arising in acropetal succession, appearing to rectangular cells; inner region of hyaline, thin-walled, spicate when mature, ascal apex thickened without a dis- elongated, compressed cells.
Ostiolar canal periphysate. As- Paraphyses persistent, branched, hyaline, septate, irregular cospores mostly biseriate or in a single row, allantoid, in width. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical-clavate, reniform, cylindrical or oblong-ellipsoidal, aseptate, with long, slender stipe, broadly rounded to truncate at the hyaline.
Wang Gams et al. Notes: Phaeoacremonium has recently been mono- Type species: Brachysporium obovatum Berk. Abellini 4: Maharachchikumbura et al. Phaeoacremonium Notes: The asexual morph genus Brachysporium was species are saprobic on plants, or pathogenic on human and established by Saccardo in Gramaje et al.
Many Brachysporium species were this species as Phaeoacremonium aquaticum. Mycologia 6 : Some species were also described from marine habitats, e. Among the accepted Brachyspo- Mengla County, on submerged wood in a small stream Hu rium species, only two are known from freshwater habitats et al.
Lamore and Goos ; Raja et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined Brachysporium obovatum Berk. ITS sequence data is : Helminthosporium obovatum Berk. Magazine of Natural History 6: Phaeoacremonium ovale Huang et al. Notes: Sequence data is not available. Sexual morph: Undetermined Brachysporium nigrum Link S. Trichosphaeriales M. Winter available. Brachysporium Sacc. Abellini 4: Asexual morph Colonies effuse, brown, velvety. Myce- Unisetosphaeria Pinnoi et al.
Sexual morph Ascomata subhyaline to brown hyphae. Conidiophores mononema- immersed to superficial, scattered, pyriform, hyaline to tous, macronematous, erect, straight or slightly flexuous, light brown, dark brown near the apex, coriaceous, ostio- smooth, thick-walled, septate, unbranched, cylindrical, late, papillate.
Papilla periphysate, surrounded by short brown in the bottom, paler and tapering toward the apex. Seta single, composed of several rows of brown Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, terminal, integrated, cells, arising from the ostiolar region. Peridium composed hyaline, denticulate, proliferating sympodially. Conidia of angular brown-walled cells. Paraphyses sparse, obscure, acropleurogenous, septate, smooth, thick-walled, fusoid to comprising short rows of ovoid to oblong cells.
Asci limoniform, polar cells subhyaline, narrowing at the apex, 8-spored, unitunicate, clavate, short pedicellate, apically median cells brown. Ascospores and acropleurogenous, aseptate or septate conidia Hughes 2-seriate, septate, hyaline. The Type species: Unisetosphaeria penguinoides Pinnoi phylogenetic analysis show that our Neospadicoides spe- et al.
Its taxonomic placement was between coidaceae Xenospadicoidales Fig. Chaetosphaeriaceae and Trichosphaeriaceae. However, Neospadicoides aquatica Z. Su, Unisetosphaeri penguinoides has several incompatible sp. The characters of asco- number: FoF , Fig. Thus, it was fungus. This suggestion was followed by Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater Maharachchikumbura et al. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, brown to dark Unisetosphaeria penguinoides Pinnoi et al.
Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed, Distribution: Thailand, Narathiwat Province, on sub- composed of septate, branched, smooth, pale brown merged petiole of Eleiodoxa conferta Pinnoi et al. Sequence data is not mononematous, solitary or in groups, erect, unbranched, available. Xenospadicoidales Hern. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, integrated, terminal, sub- Xenospadicoidaceae Hern. Conidia 18—22 lm Neospadicoides Z. Asexual morph Colonies led. Mycelium partly Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, Gaoligong superficial, partly immersed, composed of septate, bran- Mountain, saprobic on decaying wood submerged in a fresh- ched, smooth, pale brown hyphae.
Conidiophores water stream, July , X. Conidiogenous americana in having macronematous, mononematous, cells holoblastic, enteroblastic, percurrent, polytretic, erect, unbranched, septate, solitary or in groups conidio- integrated, terminal. Conidia acrogenous or acropleuroge- phores paler towards the apex, integrated, terminal conid- nous, fusiform, obovoid, septate, smooth-walled. Sexual iogenous cells and 2-septate, smooth conidia Wongsawas morph Undetermined.
However, Neospadicoides aquatica differs Type species: Neospadicoides lignicola Z. Su 18—22 9 7—9 vs. Spadicoides in having effuse, hairy colonies on natural Neospadicoides lignicola Z. Su, substrate, mycelium composed of septate, branched, sp. However, Holotype: MFLU 18— Neospadicoides differs from Spadicoides in having Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater unbranched conidiophores and acrogenous or acropleu- habitats.
Asexual morph Colonies effuse, brown to dark rogenous, septate conidia while Spadicoides have branched brown. Culture on MEA, q from above, r from reverse. Scale bars: c— towards the apex, straight or slightly flexuous, cylindrical, f 50 lm, g—p 15 lm septate, smooth, thick-walled, occasionally swollen at the apex. Conidiogenous cells polytretic, integrated, terminal and intercalary, with pale colored pores remaining at the conidiogenous loci. Conidia 7.
Sexual morph towards the apex, smooth. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, Undetermined. Sexual morph coides hodgkissa in having macronematous, mononema- Undetermined. However, Neospadicoides yunnanensis or in groups, erect, unbranched, septate, straight or flexu- differs from Spadicoides hodgkissa in having pale brown ous, cylindrical, brown conidiophores paler towards the conidia with dark band at basal euseptum while Spadi- apex, integrated, terminal conidiogenous cells and obovoid, coides hodgkissa has versicolored conidia comprising a septate, guttulate conidia this study.
However, proximal euseptum and a distal distoseptum and the distal Neospadicoides lignicola differs from N. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that N. Hughes, Can. Hughes with S. Goh and Neospadicoides yunnanensis Z. Hyde a briefly discussed the generic concept of Su, sp. Thirty-one Spadicoides species were revised, Index Fungorum number: IF , Facesoffungi of which 21 species were accepted. Presently, 55 epithets number: FoF , Fig. Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater Seven species are known from freshwater habitats habitats.
Asexual morph Colonies on decaying wood Goh and Hyde a; Ho et al. Mycelium partly immersed in the a, a, b, c; Zhuang Wang branched hyphae.
Scale bars: e, imen. HMZFW Type species: Torrentispora fibrosa Hyde et al. Spadicoides atra Corda S. Hughes Res. Torrentispora Distribution: China, Hong Kong, on submerged wood comprises seven species from freshwater habitats. Zhuang Torrentispora aquatica Vijaykr.
LSU sequence data is available. Hyde Torrentispora biatriispora K. Distribution: Australia, Queensland, on submerged Mill. Sequence data is not : Pseudoannulatascus biatriisporus K. Hyde Z. This species is known only from Australia on Luo et al. Reservoir, on submerged wood Tsui et al. Distribution: France, on submerged wood of Fraxinus a. In this study, we introduce a new species and a is presented.
RAxML bootstrap support values equal to or greater than new combination for this genus. Maximum parsimony have been reported from freshwater habitats. Herbarium materials are deposited in ; Cai and Hyde ; Raja et al.
Yang et al. DLU , Yunnan, China. Facesof- halosphaeriaceous species are the most typical and com- fungi and Index Fungorum numbers are provided Jayasiri mon freshwater Sordariomycetes on submerged wood et al. New taxa are estab- Hyde et al. Taxa deposited in HKU M mostly lack sequence et al.
These overall Kingdom of Fungi, as well as Sordariomycetes, need to be recollected so that reference specimens sensu have been significantly improved with the utilization of Ariyawansa et al. Of DNA sequencing were performed with the primers men- these included strains, were isolated from freshwater tioned above at Tsingke Biological Engineering Technol- habitats and distributed in 47 clades as follows: ogy and Services Co.
Clade 1 represents the family Junewangiaceae with ten species which belong to three genera, viz. Dictyosporella, Phylogenetic analysis Junewangia and Sporidesmiella. In this study, we provide sequence data for Sporidesmiella novae-zelandiae and S.
Sequences generated from different primers were analyzed hyalosperma for the first time, and introduce a new species with other sequences obtained from GenBank. The S. Aquaticola material 1. Pre- BioEdit v. All taxa of the aligned fasta file for RAxML analysis. Two fresh- Science Gateway v.
We Stamatakis All free model parameters were esti- therefore introduce a new species Atractospora aquatica mated by RAxML with ML estimates of 25 per site rate sp. I model. The best scoring tree was strains of Cancellidium applanatum. These two strains selected with a final likelihood value of – Phylogenetic tree was visualized using FigTree v1.
Clade 5 represents the family Conlariaceae including three freshwater species of Conlarium, and one Riomyces species collected from freshwater. Most of the species in The combined aligned sequence matrix comprises LSU Sporidesmiaceae are reported from freshwater habitats. In this study, we characters Including the gaps , of which characters introduce two new species, Sporidesmium lageniforme and were constant, variable characters were parsimony- Sporidesmium lignicola, based on both morphological uninformative and characters were parsimony infor- characters and phylogenetic evidence, while S.
In the phylogenetic tree Fig. The family Annu- the species of Sordariomycetes. Newly latascaceae is accepted in this order. Some species of generated sequences are in red.
Ex-type strains are in bold Clade 18 represents the order Myrmecridiales estab- lished by Crous et al. We introduce a new species Myrme- genera. We introduce a new Rhodoveronaea species which cridium aquaticum. Presently, three species M. Clade 19 represents the family Ophioceraceae, with A previously described species, Barbatosphaeria aquatica eight species which were reported from freshwater habitats. We introduce a new species, Clade 20 represents the new family Ceratosphaeriaceae Acrodictys fluminicola.
The order Magnaporthales was intro- Clade 10 represents the monotypic genus Pseudostan- duced by Thongkantha et al. Magnaporthaceae based on morphological characters of aquitropica as the type species and it was collected from both asexual and sexual morphs together with phylogenetic freshwater habitats.
We introduce the second species, P. There lignicola sp. Mag- Clade 11 represents the family Papulosaceae established naporthaceae, Ophioceraceae, Pseudohalonectriaceae, by Winka and Eriksson Papulosaceae is typified by Pyriculariaceae. We introduce the new family Cer- the monotypic marine genus Papulosa Winka and Eriks- atosphaeriaceae to accommodate Ceratosphaeria species.
Clade 21 represents the family Pseudohalonectriaceae Clade 12 represents the species Sporidesmium tropicale established by Hongsanan et al. The strain Pseudohalonectria. Five strains collected from freshwater MFLUCC 16— was obtained from the specimen col- habitats are included in our phylogentic tree. Clade 22 represents the family Magnaporthaceae intro- Clade 13 represents the typical freshwater genus Bul- duced by Cannon We introduce a new monotypic limyces introduced by Ferrer et al.
Clade 14 represents the family Barbatosphaeriaceae Clade 23 represents the family Tirisporellaceae with a which was introduced by Zhang et al. Clade 15 represents the new order Distoseptisporales Clade 24 represents the family Jobellisiaceae with a introduced herein. We introduce 11 nulus. Zhang et al. Chaetosphaeria aquatica, Woswasiaceae to accommodate Woswasia, Xylochrysis C. In our phylogenetic analysis, lignicola, D. We intro- five strains.
Phyllachoraceae sp. WF33A was collected duce two new species herein, Cordana aquatica and C. We also Clade 28 represents the single isolate of Clohiesia. Chaetomiaceae, Sordariaceae and Clade 32 represents the family Sporocadaceae and we Lasiosphaeriaceae sensu lato. Six freshwater species are introduce a new species, Seiridium aquaticum. We introduce a new species, lished by Hyde et al. A new species, Arthrinium Lepteutypa aquatica. The genus Peroneutypa has been accomodated in paceae, although this relationship is not supported.
Diatrypaceae Shang et al. In our multi-gene phy- Clade 36 represents the species Sporidesmium gyri- logenetic analysis, the new species forms a distinct nomorphum MFLUCC 16— introduced by Yang et al. In this Hypoxylon strains. We introduce a new species Hypoxylon study, we introduce a new Ascosacculus species, A.
Wendt formis, based on morphology and phylogeny. Lombard et al. We family based on molecular sequence data. We introduce a introduced a new species herein, Cylindrotrichum sub- new species Cosmospora aquatica, based on morphology mersum sp.
DNA sequence data for Aquanectria Hyde et al. We introduce a new species, Clade 39 represents the family Stachybotriaceae estab- Phaeoisaria filiformis. We introduce a new genus Dema- Stachybotrys.
In this study, morphological characterization tiosporium in this family. Clade 45 represents the order Conioscyphales estab- chlorohalonata are provided. We introduce two new species, Co- Taxonomy nioscypha aquatica and C. Clade 46 represents the monotypic order Fuscosporel- Based on the outline and multigene phylogeny of fresh- lales established by Yang et al.
Most of the species in this order are Sordariomycetes are scattered in six sub-classes, viz. Dia- reported from freshwater habitats. The to accommodate two ascomycete species, A.
Descriptions, illustrations and sequence data for wood in Australia. There are 19 epithets of Annulatascus the fungi collected from freshwater habitats in China and listed in Index Fungorum December, , however Thailand from to are also provided. Hyde et al. Subsequently, Campbell and follows: Shearer established a new genus Annulusmagnus for Diaporthomycetidae Senan.
Luo et al. Pseudoannulatascus biatriisporus. Hyde, Aust. Sexual morph Updated nulatascus biatriisporus under Torrentispora biatriispora, generic description and illustrations see based on phylogenetic analysis. Currently, 16 species are Maharachchikumbura et al. Hyde, from freshwater habitats in tropical areas Barbosa et al. Annulatascus apiculatus F. Annulatascus lacteus Tsui et al. Sequence data is not available. Erythrophleum teysmannii Boonyuen et al.
Asexual morph: Undetermined Annulatascus liputii L. Liput River Cai et al. Annulatascus fusiformis K. Sequence data is not wood Vijaykrishna and Hyde ; China, Yunnan available. Sequence data is not Asexual morph: Undetermined available. LSU available. Annulatascus palmietensis Goh et al. Annulatascus joannae Tsui et al. Durban, Palmiet River, on submerged wood Hyde et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined b. Campbell and Shearer Hyde sequence data are available.
Annulatascus velatisporus K. Hyde Type species: Aqualignicola hyalina Ranghoo et al. Natigbasan Creek, on submerged wood Wong et al. Mai Province, on submerged wood Hu et al. Aqualignicola vaginata Hu et al.
Annulusmagnus J. Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Description Asexual morph: Undetermined and illustrations see Campbell and Shearer Sequence data is not Type species: Annulusmagnus triseptatus Wong et al. Aqualignicola vaginata was introduced by Hu J. Annulusmagnus triseptatus was first collected from submerged wood in Brunei Wong et al. Sexual morph Description a and subsequently reported from Australia, Canada and illustrations see Campbell and Shearer Annulusmagnus triseptatus Wong et al.
Ascitendus was proposed for Ascolacicola austriaca a. Sequence data is not species of Ascitendus are accepted and both were collected available. River, on decaying wood submerged in a River Hyde et al. Type species: Cataractispora aquatica Hyde et al. Ho et al.
LSU sequence data is Louise, on submerged wood Hyde et al. Hyde, Cryptog. Sexual morph Description Cataractispora aquatica Hyde et al. Distribution: Australia, north Queensland, Cow Bay, a. Ayria with A. Sequence data is not and sea water, in Brunei.
Raja et al. Cataractispora bipolaris K. Hyde Hyde et al. Hyde : Annulatascus bipolaris K. The type specimen was on submerged decaying wood Raja et al. Sequence data is not description, illustration and information for specimens. Cataractispora receptaculorum Ho et al. Type species: Submersisphaeria aquatica K.
Presently, five species were accepted in this genus Park, Black River Hyde et al. Sequence data is not described from Queensland, Australia Hyde , and available. Campbell et al. Fournier et al. Asexual morph Taeniolella-like. Sexual morph Descrip- Submersisphaeria aquatica K. Hyde tion and illustrations see Zelski et al. There is only one submerged wood Campbell et al. Asexual morph: Taeniolella-like, see Zelski et al. Sequence data is not Asexual morph Undetermined.
Sexual morph Description available. Longicollum Zelski et al. Sexual morph: Descrip- Mycologia 92 5 : tion and illustrations see Zelski et al. Notes: The genus Vertexicola is characterized by asci Type species: Longicollum biappendiculatum Zelski with a refractive apical ring and a tail-like pedicel and et al.
Barbosa Longicollum biappendiculatum Zelski et al. Sequence data is not debris; Peru, Camanti, stream at Quincemil Trail 1, on available. Reservoir, submerged wood Ranghoo et al. Submersisphaeria K. Hyde, Nova Hedwigia 62 1—2 : Atractosporales Zhang et al. Notes: Holotype PRM Luo, K. Su, sp. RPB2 sequence data are available.
Atractospora ellipsoidea Ho et al. Fryar et al. Sexual morph Shearer Ascomata — lm high, — lm diam. LSU globose to subglobose, unilocular. Ostiole periphysate. Atractospora thailandensis Dong et al. Fourn 18—, holotype. Sexual morph Description and smaller ascospores 15—19 vs. Atractospora aquatica also resembles A. However, Atractospora abscondita, collected from freshwater in France. This is a aquatica differs from A. Yverneaux, on submerged twigs of Abies alba in a peat bog Sequence data is unavailable.
Diaporthales Nannf. Asexual morph: Undetermined Diaporthaceae Hohn. Barr, Mycotaxon 60 globose. Conidiophores cylindrical, sometimes filiform, Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Ascomata aseptate or septate, cylindrical, sometimes branched. Coni- subglobose to obpyriform to lageniform, brown or exter- dia dimorphic, hyaline, smooth, with usually fusiform and nally with yellowish pigments, glabrous or slightly rugose, biguttulate alpha conidia and usually filiform, hamate, non- with short to long papilla or with long upright neck.
Sexual morph Ascomata globose to Peridium comprising two or three layers. Paraphyses subglobose, coriaceous, immersed to semi-immersed, sin- numerous, septate, hyaline.
Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, gle to clustered, brown to black. Neck cylindrical, black. Paraphyses cylindrical, longer than asci, septate. Asci remnants attached to the ascogenous hyphae after dehis- 8-spored, unitunicate, thin-walled, apedicellate, broad cence. Ascospores ellipsoidal to reniform to navicular, cylindrical to obclavate, with a minute apical ring.
As- aseptate or transversely 1-septate with one or two polar cospores overlapping biseriate, ellipsoidal to fusiform, germ pores, brown. Type species: Diaporthe eres Nitschke, Pyrenomyc. Barr, Mycotaxon 61 Germ. Three species have been names in the genus Diaporthe, but this was reduced to found in freshwater habitats. Hu et al. Cai duced a new Diaporthe species D.
Diaporthe aquatica Hu et al. Gnomoniaceae G. LSU sequence data is Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Descrip- available. Jobellisia luteola was originally collected from tions and illustrations refer to Senanayake et al. Sogonov et al. Hyde rum.
Monod in host associations. Distribution: Malaysia, on submerged wood Ho et al. Ambarignomonia petiolorum Schwein. Sogonov Asexual morph: Undetermined Ges. Leipzig 1: Gnomoniella : Gnomonia petiolorum Schwein. Cooke, Gre- microspora was originally collected from terrestrial habi- villea 7: 54 tats Monod Same as Gno- specimens collected from freshwater habitats: ILLS , moniella microspora, the original collection of G. However, we sequence data are available. Fallah and Shearer consider this species as freshwater fungus as Ho et al.
Colonies on PDA effuse, Ambarignomonia petiolorum. Conidio- Gnomonia Ces. Asexual morph see Sivanesan and Shaw Sexual Conidiogenous cells monophialidic, determinate, with morph Description see Maharachchikumbura et al. Conidia straight or curved, oblong, hya- Type species: Gnomonia vulgaris Ces.
Sexual morph Ascomata immersed, subglo- Comm. Peridium composed of 2 layers, with and De Notaris and typified by Gnomonia gnomon. Paraphyses hyaline, broad, septate. Asci unituni- Shaw ; Fallah and Shearer ; Senanayake et al. J-, subapical ring. Ascospores cylindrical, straight or Gnomonia papuana Sivan. Shaw curved, versicolorous, transseptate, brown with hyaline or Distribution: Papua New Guinea, on submerged leaves pale brown end cells. Sivanesan and Shaw Sequence data is not Phruensis with a single species P.
No more species reported for Gnomoniella Sacc. Sexual morph Ascomata Phruensis brunneispora Pinruan globose to subglobose, immersed. Asci cylindrical, subsessiles. Ascospores fusiform, horn peat swamp forest, on submerged palm in freshwater ellipse, hyaline, septate. Type species: Gnomoniella tubaeformis Tode Sacc. Abellini 1: b Notes: Kirk et al.
SSU genus Gnomoniella. Two species have been found in sequence data is available. Culture on PDA from above i and reverse j. Culture on PDA from surface l and reverse m. Culture on PDA from above n and reverse o. Culture on MEA from above l and reverse m.
Scale bars: c—k 30 lm Distoseptisporales Z. Luo, H. Hyde, ord. Conidio- Notes: Distoseptisporaceae was established by Su et al. Conidiogenous phology and phylogeny. Culture on PDA from above o and reverse p. Scale Distoseptisporales. Phylogenetic results show that Asexual morph Description and illustration see Su et al. Distoseptispora appendiculata is distinct from other spe- and Yang et al.
Sexual morph cies of Distoseptispora Fig. Distoseptispora aquatica Luo et al. Type species: Distoseptispora aquatica Luo et al. Notes: Su et al. Currently, there are 13 species in Dis- Distoseptispora cangshanensis Luo et al.
Mountain, on submerged wood Luo et al. Sexual morph: Undetermined Distoseptispora appendiculata D. Bao, Z. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, olivaceous or Distoseptispora guttulata J. Hyde mid-brown, hairy, velvety. Mycelium mostly immersed, Facesoffungi number: FoF , Fig.
Conidiophores 62—86 lm long, 4. Mycelium partly superficial, partly matous, solitary, erect, straight or flexuous, olivaceous or immersed, consisting of branched, septate, smooth, sub- brown, 5—6-septate, smooth. Conidiogenous cells hyaline to pale brown hyphae. Conidiophores 28—84 lm monoblastic, holoblastic, terminal, dark brown. Conidiogenous below, hyaline towards apex, truncate at base, slender and cells monoblastic, integrated, terminal, determinate, mid to rounded at apex, smooth, with a conspicuous, gelatinous, dark brown, cylindrical, sometimes proliferating percur- hyaline sheath around tip.
Sexual morph Undetermined. Conidia 70— — lm long, 8. Notes: Distoseptispora appendiculata resembles D. However, Distoseptispora appendicu- lata is easily distinguished from D.
The best scoring RAxML tree with a final likelihood value of – RAxML bootstrap support values equal to or greater 5—9-euseptate conidia, while D. Bayesian euseptate conidia.
Phylogenetically, Distoseptispora gut- posterior probability equal to or higher than 0. Ex-type or ex-epitype strains are in species Fig. Hyde Facesoffungi number: FoF , Fig. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, dark olive- et al. Conidiophores 29—47 lm long, 4—6 lm Distoseptispora guttulata was introduced by matous, solitary, brown, 2—3-septate, straight or slightly Yang et al. Morphologically, our iso- apex, olive-green to dark brown. Conidiogenous cells late fits well with the characters of D.
Phylogenetic analysis also shows that our isolate determinate, cylindrical. Conidia — lm long, 12— clusters with ex-type of D. Conidial seces- K.
Hyde, sp. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, scattered, hairy, Hua Hin, on submerged wood in a stream Hyde et al. Mycelium mostly immersed, com- b. Distoseptispora multiseptata was introduced by uous, 6—septate, unbranched, cylindrical, brown, Yang et al. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, integrated, ter- freshwater stream in Thailand. Morphologically, our iso- minal, determinate, brown, cylindrical. Conidia 60— late fits well with the characters of D.
Phylogenetic analysis also shows that our acrogenous, solitary or catenate, obclavate, truncate at isolate clusters with ex-type of D. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, dark olivaceous, cylindrical, septate conidiophores, solitary or in groups on hairy. Scale bars: b, c lm, Notes: Distoseptispora obclavata resembles D. However, Distoseptispora brown hyphae. Conidiophores 93— lm long, 5.
Phylogenetic results show that Distosep- flexuous, tapering distally, truncate at the apex. Conidio- tispora appendiculata is distinct from other species of genous cells monoblastic, integrated, terminal, brown, Distoseptispora Fig. Conidia — lm long, 13—15 lm wide Distoseptispora obpyriformis Z. Notes: Distoseptispora neorostrata shares similar mor- Sexual morph: Undetermined phological characters with D.
However, the multi-gene phylogenetic analyses Distoseptispora rostrata Luo et al. Su, on submerged wood Luo et al. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, olivaceous or on submerged wood Luo et al. Conidiophores Conidiogenous cells River Yang et al. Sexual Distoseptisporales genera incertae sedis morph Undetermined. Aquapteridospora Yang et al. Yang, K. Both of these species also Notes: Yang et al. Aquapteridospora with single asexual species, A lignicola, However, A. In this study, we introduce the second species without a sheath, while the conidia of A.
Aquapteridospora was placed as guttules in the middle cells and a conspicuous sheath. Diaporthomycetidae genera incertae sedis by Yang et al. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that A. In our phylogenetic analysis, Aquapteridospora lignicola are distinct from other species, but they cluster species form a distinct clade within Distoseptisporales and together with strong support Fig. To further basal to Distoseptisporaceae, and we therefore treat this support A.
Aquapteridospora lignicola Yang et al. Sexual morph: Undetermined Magnaporthales Thongk et al. LSU sequence data is Ceratosphaeriaceae Z. Hyde, available. Aquapteridospora fusiformis Z. Luo, D. Bao, H. Phialides or short number: FoF , Fig. Conidiogenous cells fungus. Conidia cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater. Sexual morph Stromata absent. Ascomata globose Asexual morph Colonies on the natural substrate effuse, to pyriform, deeply immersed to almost superficial, dark hairy, pale brown to brown.
Mycelium superficial or partly brown to black, carbonaceous, with a long cylindrical, immersed, composed of branched, septate, pale brown to black or yellow crystals neck. Periphyses well-developed. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, fairly tate, smooth, thick-walled, brown at the base, paler towards thin-walled, the apex truncate, with a conspicuous J-apical apex.
Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, terminal, later ring. Ascospores arranged biseriately, narrowly cylindric- becoming intercalary, pale brown, integrated, with several fusiform, or filiform, the ends acute, thin-walled, hyaline, sympodial proliferations, bearing tiny, protuberant, circular septate, guttulate, smooth-walled.
Conidia 14—18 lm long, 5—7 lm wide Type genus: Ceratosphaeria Niessl, Verh. Phylogeneti- Undetermined. Morphologically, Pseudohalonectriaceae is 18—, holotype , ex-type living culture MFLUCC characterized by erumpent to immersed ascomata with a 18— Scale b Appearance of neck on substrate. Culture on PDA from surface k and reverse l. Scale bars: b lm, c 50 lm, d— Holotype: MFLU 18— f 30 lm, g—j 20 lm Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater habitats.
Sexual morph Ascomata — lm high, — lm diam. Ceratosphaeriaceae is distinct solitary. Neck long, surface smooth, at times with yellow from Pseudohalonectriaceae in having narrowly cylindric- crystals. Peridium 29—43 lm thick, composed of an inner fusiform to filiform, longer ascospores. We therefore layer of flattened hyaline cells, a middle layer of small, introduce a new family Ceratosphaeriaceae to accommo- polygonal to irregular, pale brown cells, an outer layer of date Ceratosphaeria.
Pa- Ceratosphaeria Niessl, Verh. Ascospores 89—95 9 4— slimy, inconspicuous, and transparent. Conidia cylin- Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, saprobic drical with curvature, hyaline, narrowly rounded at both on decaying wood submerged in a freshwater river, April ends, aseptate, smooth.
However, Cer- detached, scattered to densely aggregated. Peridium com- atosphaeria aquatica differs from C. Interascal tissue of tulate, septate, larger ascospores 89—95 9 4—7 vs.
Ceratosphaeria aquatica also periphyses well-developed. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, shares similar morphological characters with C. However, conspicuous, J-, apical ring. Ascospores arranged biseri- Ceratosphaeria aquatica differs from C. Type species: Ceratosphaeria lampadophora Berk. Notes: The genus Ceratosphaeria was introduced by nat. In this study, we introduce two new species 67 7 : in Ceratosphaeria. Asexual morph: Harpophora-like. Ceratosphaeria aquatica Z. The best scoring RAxML tree with a final likelihood 94— vs.
RAxML bootstrap support fusiform, 5—7-septate ascospores. Bayesian posterior probability equal to or higher than 0.
Cannon than 0. Newly generated sequences are in red. Ex-type or ex- Aquafiliformis Z. Su, gen. Sexual morph Ascomata immersed with neck swamps Shearer and Crane Peridium composed of an inner Notes: Sequence data is not available.
Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical number: FoF , Fig. Ascospores filiform, aseptate, guttulate, Etymology: Referring to this fungus dwelling on wood. Su freshwater. Sexual morph Notes: Aquafiliformis morphologically resembles Cer- Ascomata — lm diam. Peridium Paraphyses 18— clusters in Magnaporthaceae, while Cer- 4.
Asci — 9 11—13 lm atosphaeriaceae Fig. Twenty genera with available molecular Ascospores 94— 9 3. However, our decaying wood submerged in a freshwater stream, October strain differs from Muraeriata species in having globose to , Z.
Ceratosphaeria lignicola differs ascospores, while Muraeriata species have lageniform to from C. Cer- creating large empty pockets, with an external brown crust atosphaeria lignicola also shares similar morphological and narrowly fusiform, septate ascospores Huhndorf et al. Curtis Sacc. Abellini 2: Nograsek ; Hyde a. Therefore, we introduce a Notes: Saccardo introduced Ophioceras based on new genus Aquafiliformis to accommodate our collections.
Ophioceras Aquafiliformis lignicola Z. Su, species are commonly encountered on decaying woody sp. Etymology: Referring to this fungus dwelling on wood. Ophioceras aquaticus Hu et al. Sexual morph Asexual morph: Undetermined Ascomata — lm high, — lm diam.
Peridium Ophioceras arcuatisporum Shearer et al. Paraphyses 4. Sequence data drical to clavate, hyaline. Ascospores 57—69 9 2. However, Aquafiliformis lignicola differs Ophioceras dolichostomum Berk.
Curtis Sacc from Neogaeumannomyces bambusicola in having differ- : Sphaeria dolichostoma Berk. Curtis, Soc. Aquafiliformis Bot. Phyloge- wood Hyde b ; Japan, Koito River, on submerged netic analysis also support that they belong to different wood Tsui et al.
Ophioceraceae Klaubauf et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined Ophioceras Sacc. Abellini 2: Notes: Holotype anon. Peridium thick, blackened. Pa- Ophioceras fusiforme Shearer et al.
Asci 8-spored, cylindrical, with small, refractive, apical rings. Culture on PDA from above k and reverse l. Scale bars: apically rounded. Lin, stream, on submerged decorticated woody debris Shearer B MFLU 18—, holotype , ex-type living culture, et al. SSU sequence based on multi-gene phylogenetic analyses and is related to data obtained from ex-type culture is available. Ophioceras submersum resembles O.
Lain Tsuen gense in having subglobose, black ascomata with a long River, on submerged wood Tsui et al. However, Ophio- Asexual morph: Undetermined ceras submersum differs from O. Sequence data is not smaller ascomata and longer asci Tsui et al. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that they are distinct Ophioceras hongkongense Tsui et al.
Lain Tsuen Ophioceras tenuisporum Shearer et al. River, on submerged wood Tsui et al. Iqbal J. Walker tubulin sequence data are available. Synonym: Gaeumannomyces leptosporus S. Iqbal, Ophioceras venezuelense Shearer et al. Ophioceras submersum D. Muroi, Trans. Japan 19 2 : Etymology: Referring to the submerged habitats of the Asexual morph Hyphomycetous, phialidic.
Phialides fungus hyaline, micronematous, flask-shaped. Sexual morph Ascomata immersed or Saprobic on decaying wood, submerged wood in partially immersed, with a long neck, globose to subglo- freshwater.
Sexual morph bose. Peridium membranous. Paraphyses numerous, sep- Ascomata — lm diam. Asci unitunicate, cylindrical, straight or solitary, deeply immersed, subglobose or ellipsoidal, cori- curved, with J-, thimble-shaped apical ring.
Ascospores aceous, black, with a long black neck. Ostiole central, with overlapping uniseriate to biseriate, multi-seriate, filiformes, straight upright neck at one end, black, periphysate. Japan 19 2 : layer of pseudoparenchyma cells occluded with brown Notes: The genus Pseudohalonectria was introduced to amorphous material, dark brown cells of textura angularis.
Paraphyses 7—10 lm wide, hyaline, septate, constricted at Hongsanan et al. Sixteen species are accepted in this submerged woody debris from Deer Pond Shearer genus, of which six species have been reported from a, b. Sequence data is not Pseudohalonectria adversaria Shearer available. The best the forward slash red. Newly generated sequences is presented. RAxML bootstrap support values equal to or greater than are in red. Ascospores ellip- from Quiver Creek Shearer Asexual morph: Undetermined Type species: Myrmecridium schulzeri Sacc.
Twelve species are accepted in this genus submerged wood Cai et al. Peintner et al. Muroi Myrmecridium aquaticum Z. Mycelium immersed, Pseudohalonectria longirostrum Shearer composed of septate, branched, smooth, hyaline hyphae.
Distribution: Panama, a twig submerged in Shannon Conidiophores — lm long, 5—7 lm wide Creek Shearer Sequence data is not cylindrical, percurrently proliferating, brown, paler available. Conidiogenous Pseudohalonectria lutea Shearer cells holoblastic, polyblastic, integrated, terminal, later Distribution: China, Yunnan Province, Lake Fuxian, on becoming intercalary, subhyaline to pale brown.
Conidia submerged wood Cai et al. LSU Sexual morph Undetermined sequence data is available. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, integrated, freshwater stream, March , X.
Liu, S Conidia solitary, subhyaline, Notes: Myrmecridium aquaticum resembles M. Sexual morph Ascomata solitary or brown conidiophores, integrated, terminal and intercalary aggregated in small groups, immersed, hyaline to pale conidiogenous cells and obovoid, smooth conidia rounded brown. Papilla or short necks centrally located, opening at the apex Crous et al.
However, Myrmecridium flush with the wood surface or slightly projecting. Ostiole aquaticum differs from M. Clypeus positioned slightly beneath the wood conidiophores — vs. Ascomatal wall two layered. Paraphyses hyaline, longer conidia 14—16 vs. Phylogenetic Distribution: India, on submerged wood in freshwater analysis shows that Myrmecridium aquaticum is distinct Chary and Ramarao Asexual morph: Undetermined Myrmecridium fluviae Hyang B.
Nguyen Notes: Sequence data is not available. River located in Gwangju, from a freshwater sample Phomatosporaceae Senan. Hyde Tibpromma et al. Phomatospora Sacc. Sexual morph Ascomata solitary to rarely sequence data are available.
Peridium com- Notes: Holotype PRM , other specimens col- prising small, brown pseudoparenchymatous cells forming lected from freshwater habitats: PRM , PRM a textura angularis to textura prismatica or inner, hyaline, Asci 8-spored, unitu- Subbaromyces Hesselt. Torrey bot. Club nicate, cylindrical or oblong-fusiform, thin-walled, short stalked or sessile, apex oblong with J-, apical apparatus. Asexual morph Conidiophores branched, septate.
Conidia Ascospores uniseriate, rarely biseriate, overlapping unise- hyaline, smooth-walled, asepate, exogenously formed, riate to biseriate, ellipsoidal to fusiform, 0—3-septate, not ellipsoid. Sexual morph Ascomata partially submerged, constricted at the septum, sometimes bi-guttulate, guttules later superficial, membranous, syringe-shaped, beak divi- located at the ends of the cell, or longitudinally striate, ded into two portions by a large pronounced collar, with sometimes with filamentous appendages at both ends, upper portion tapering to a small ostiole, surrounded by a hyaline.
Paraphyses absent. Asci 8-spored, uni- Type species: Phomatospora berkeleyi Sacc. Ascospores bot. Senanayake et al. Club modate the genera Phomatospora, Lanspora and Notes: The genus was established by Hesseltine Tenuimurus. Members of the genus Phomatospora are for a taxon collected from trickling filter rocks in New widely distributed in freshwater, marine and terrestrial York, USA.
Two species were accepted within this genus habitats. Seven species of Phomatospora are known from Hesseltine ; Chary and Ramarao Muroi samples collected in India. In updated Sequence data is not Maharachchikumbura et al.
Phomatospora berkeleyi Sacc Subbaromyces aquaticus Manohar. Freunde, Berlin stems of Typha latifolia; Wisconsin, Trout lake, on sub- 3 1—2 : 41 merged stems of Carex comosa, Big Muskellunge lake, on Asexual morph Descriptions and illustrations refer to Su submerged stems of Scirpus brevicaudatus, Allequash lake, et al. Sexual morph Descriptions and illustrations on submerged stems of Typha latifolia Fallah and Shearer refer to Zhang et al.
Type species: Sporidesmium atrum Link, Mag. Asexual morph: Undetermined naturf. Sporidesmium Phomatospora is a large and heterogeneous genus with epithets berkeleyi was originally collected from dead stalks of referred to the genus in Index Fungorum December Solanum on terrestrial habitats Saccardo Fallah and However, many previously described species were revised Shearer collected this species from freshwater and transferred to over 30 genera Iturriaga et al.
Studies based on phylogenetic analyses have been carried Phomatospora helvetica H. Lechat Sporidesmium aquaticivaginatum J. Park, on submerged wood Hyde et al.
Sporidesmium cangshanense Z. Hyde, Asexual morph: Undetermined nom. Sequence data is not Facesoffungi number: FoF available. Su, Z. Sequence data is not cangshanense.
Sporidesmium dulongense Luo et al. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that Sexual morph: Undetermined Sporidesmium lageniforme and S. TEF1a sequence data are available. Sporidesmium lignicola Z.
Name already in use – Windows 10 1703 download iso itasca bootstrap 5
Ophioceras submersum resembles O. Lain Tsuen gense in having subglobose, black ascomata with a long River, on submerged wood Tsui et al. However, Ophio- Asexual morph: Undetermined ceras submersum differs from O. Sequence data is not smaller ascomata and longer asci Tsui et al. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that they are distinct Ophioceras hongkongense Tsui et al. Lain Tsuen Ophioceras tenuisporum Shearer et al. River, on submerged wood Tsui et al.
Iqbal J. Walker tubulin sequence data are available. Synonym: Gaeumannomyces leptosporus S. Iqbal, Ophioceras venezuelense Shearer et al. Ophioceras submersum D. Muroi, Trans. Japan 19 2 : Etymology: Referring to the submerged habitats of the Asexual morph Hyphomycetous, phialidic. Phialides fungus hyaline, micronematous, flask-shaped.
Sexual morph Ascomata immersed or Saprobic on decaying wood, submerged wood in partially immersed, with a long neck, globose to subglo- freshwater. Sexual morph bose. Peridium membranous. Paraphyses numerous, sep- Ascomata — lm diam. Asci unitunicate, cylindrical, straight or solitary, deeply immersed, subglobose or ellipsoidal, cori- curved, with J-, thimble-shaped apical ring.
Ascospores aceous, black, with a long black neck. Ostiole central, with overlapping uniseriate to biseriate, multi-seriate, filiformes, straight upright neck at one end, black, periphysate. Japan 19 2 : layer of pseudoparenchyma cells occluded with brown Notes: The genus Pseudohalonectria was introduced to amorphous material, dark brown cells of textura angularis.
Paraphyses 7—10 lm wide, hyaline, septate, constricted at Hongsanan et al. Sixteen species are accepted in this submerged woody debris from Deer Pond Shearer genus, of which six species have been reported from a, b.
Sequence data is not Pseudohalonectria adversaria Shearer available. The best the forward slash red. Newly generated sequences is presented. RAxML bootstrap support values equal to or greater than are in red. Ascospores ellip- from Quiver Creek Shearer Asexual morph: Undetermined Type species: Myrmecridium schulzeri Sacc. Twelve species are accepted in this genus submerged wood Cai et al. Peintner et al. Muroi Myrmecridium aquaticum Z. Mycelium immersed, Pseudohalonectria longirostrum Shearer composed of septate, branched, smooth, hyaline hyphae.
Distribution: Panama, a twig submerged in Shannon Conidiophores — lm long, 5—7 lm wide Creek Shearer Sequence data is not cylindrical, percurrently proliferating, brown, paler available. Conidiogenous Pseudohalonectria lutea Shearer cells holoblastic, polyblastic, integrated, terminal, later Distribution: China, Yunnan Province, Lake Fuxian, on becoming intercalary, subhyaline to pale brown. Conidia submerged wood Cai et al.
LSU Sexual morph Undetermined sequence data is available. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, integrated, freshwater stream, March , X. Liu, S Conidia solitary, subhyaline, Notes: Myrmecridium aquaticum resembles M. Sexual morph Ascomata solitary or brown conidiophores, integrated, terminal and intercalary aggregated in small groups, immersed, hyaline to pale conidiogenous cells and obovoid, smooth conidia rounded brown.
Papilla or short necks centrally located, opening at the apex Crous et al. However, Myrmecridium flush with the wood surface or slightly projecting. Ostiole aquaticum differs from M. Clypeus positioned slightly beneath the wood conidiophores — vs. Ascomatal wall two layered. Paraphyses hyaline, longer conidia 14—16 vs. Phylogenetic Distribution: India, on submerged wood in freshwater analysis shows that Myrmecridium aquaticum is distinct Chary and Ramarao Asexual morph: Undetermined Myrmecridium fluviae Hyang B.
Nguyen Notes: Sequence data is not available. River located in Gwangju, from a freshwater sample Phomatosporaceae Senan. Hyde Tibpromma et al. Phomatospora Sacc. Sexual morph Ascomata solitary to rarely sequence data are available. Peridium com- Notes: Holotype PRM , other specimens col- prising small, brown pseudoparenchymatous cells forming lected from freshwater habitats: PRM , PRM a textura angularis to textura prismatica or inner, hyaline, Asci 8-spored, unitu- Subbaromyces Hesselt.
Torrey bot. Club nicate, cylindrical or oblong-fusiform, thin-walled, short stalked or sessile, apex oblong with J-, apical apparatus. Asexual morph Conidiophores branched, septate. Conidia Ascospores uniseriate, rarely biseriate, overlapping unise- hyaline, smooth-walled, asepate, exogenously formed, riate to biseriate, ellipsoidal to fusiform, 0—3-septate, not ellipsoid. Sexual morph Ascomata partially submerged, constricted at the septum, sometimes bi-guttulate, guttules later superficial, membranous, syringe-shaped, beak divi- located at the ends of the cell, or longitudinally striate, ded into two portions by a large pronounced collar, with sometimes with filamentous appendages at both ends, upper portion tapering to a small ostiole, surrounded by a hyaline.
Paraphyses absent. Asci 8-spored, uni- Type species: Phomatospora berkeleyi Sacc. Ascospores bot. Senanayake et al. Club modate the genera Phomatospora, Lanspora and Notes: The genus was established by Hesseltine Tenuimurus. Members of the genus Phomatospora are for a taxon collected from trickling filter rocks in New widely distributed in freshwater, marine and terrestrial York, USA. Two species were accepted within this genus habitats.
Seven species of Phomatospora are known from Hesseltine ; Chary and Ramarao Muroi samples collected in India. In updated Sequence data is not Maharachchikumbura et al. Phomatospora berkeleyi Sacc Subbaromyces aquaticus Manohar. Freunde, Berlin stems of Typha latifolia; Wisconsin, Trout lake, on sub- 3 1—2 : 41 merged stems of Carex comosa, Big Muskellunge lake, on Asexual morph Descriptions and illustrations refer to Su submerged stems of Scirpus brevicaudatus, Allequash lake, et al.
Sexual morph Descriptions and illustrations on submerged stems of Typha latifolia Fallah and Shearer refer to Zhang et al. Type species: Sporidesmium atrum Link, Mag.
Asexual morph: Undetermined naturf. Sporidesmium Phomatospora is a large and heterogeneous genus with epithets berkeleyi was originally collected from dead stalks of referred to the genus in Index Fungorum December Solanum on terrestrial habitats Saccardo Fallah and However, many previously described species were revised Shearer collected this species from freshwater and transferred to over 30 genera Iturriaga et al.
Studies based on phylogenetic analyses have been carried Phomatospora helvetica H. Lechat Sporidesmium aquaticivaginatum J. Park, on submerged wood Hyde et al. Sporidesmium cangshanense Z. Hyde, Asexual morph: Undetermined nom. Sequence data is not Facesoffungi number: FoF available. Su, Z. Sequence data is not cangshanense.
Sporidesmium dulongense Luo et al. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that Sexual morph: Undetermined Sporidesmium lageniforme and S. TEF1a sequence data are available. Sporidesmium lignicola Z. Su, Sporidesmium fluminicola H. Hyde sp. Etymology: Referring to the fungus dwelling on wood. Asexual morph Colonies effuse on natural sub- Sporidesmium gyrinomorphum Yang et al.
Mycelium Distribution: Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, immersed, composed of septate, branched, brown, smooth on decaying wood submerged in a freshwater stream Yang hyphae. Conidiophores 50—70 lm long, 3—4 lm wide et al. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, 17— Conidia 21—27 lm long, 4. Ostiole — lm long, 78— lm wide, Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater. Peridium 30—44 lm thick, two- effuse, scattered, hairy, black.
Mycelium mostly immersed, layered, outer layer comprising pale brown to brown, comprising of branched, septate, smooth-walled, brown oblong and rounded cells, inner layer comprising several hyphae. Paraphyses 2. Asci greyish brown to dark brown, smooth.
Sporidesmium lageniforme differs erumpent through the host surface, hyaline, unbranched, from S. The asexual an apical ring and fusiform, hyaline ascospores Zhang morph of Sporidesmium lignicola can be easily distin- et al. However, Sporidesmium lignicola differs from guished from other Sporidesmium asexual morph species in S. We therefore small guttules, while S. Hyde larette funnel-shaped. Conidia cylindrical, ellipsoid or Distribution: Thailand, Chiang Rai Province, stream obovoid, thick-walled, brown, aseptate.
Paraphyses Sporidesmium pyriformatum J. Hyde present but deliquescent, irregular in width, rarely septate, Distribution: Thailand, Khiri Khan Province, Hua Hin, tapering towards the apices, embedded in a mucilaginous stream flowing outside Kaeng Krachan National Park, on matrix. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical to clavate, submerged wood Hyde et al.
Sporidesmium submersum H. Pinruan et al. This species was apparently linked sequence data are available. This Sporidesmium thailandense Dong et al.
Tirisporellaceae, typified by a new genus Tirisporella a, b; Yang et al. Jones, K. The genus Thailan- Asexual morph: Undetermined diomyces phylogenetically resides in this family. Sporidesmium tropicale M. Togniniales Senan. Sporidesmium hyphae, single or bundled. Conidiophores branched in the tropicale was found on dead branches of woody plants and basal region or unbranched, arising from aerial or sub- is widely distributed in tropical areas Ellis ; Wu and merged hyphae, erect, nearly cylindrical when unbranched, Zhuang Conidiogenous cells mostly monophialidic, discrete or Tirisporellales Suetrong et al.
Conidia aggregated into round, slimy heads at Fungal Diversity 91 the apices of phialides, aseptate, hyaline, smooth-walled; Asexual morph Colonies on natural substrate effuse, oblong-ellipsoidal to obovate, cylindrical, allantoid or black.
Mycelium superficial. Conidiophores macronema- reniform, uncommonly fusiform-ellipsoidal or globose, tous, mononematous, erect, brown, paler towards the apex, becoming guttulate with age. Sexual morph Ascomata straight or flexuous, branched or unbranched. Culture on PDA from above h and reverse i. Paraphyses abundant, broadly cellular, slightly conical around the ostiole, papillate, dark brown to black, constricted at the septa, branching, hyaline, slightly taper- glabrous.
Peridium leathery to fragile, consisting of two ing apically or thread-like towards the apex. Asci 8-spored, regions; outer region of carbonaceous, dark brown, angular unitunicate, arising in acropetal succession, appearing to rectangular cells; inner region of hyaline, thin-walled, spicate when mature, ascal apex thickened without a dis- elongated, compressed cells.
Ostiolar canal periphysate. As- Paraphyses persistent, branched, hyaline, septate, irregular cospores mostly biseriate or in a single row, allantoid, in width.
Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical-clavate, reniform, cylindrical or oblong-ellipsoidal, aseptate, with long, slender stipe, broadly rounded to truncate at the hyaline. Wang Gams et al. Notes: Phaeoacremonium has recently been mono- Type species: Brachysporium obovatum Berk. Abellini 4: Maharachchikumbura et al.
Phaeoacremonium Notes: The asexual morph genus Brachysporium was species are saprobic on plants, or pathogenic on human and established by Saccardo in Gramaje et al. Many Brachysporium species were this species as Phaeoacremonium aquaticum. Mycologia 6 : Some species were also described from marine habitats, e.
Among the accepted Brachyspo- Mengla County, on submerged wood in a small stream Hu rium species, only two are known from freshwater habitats et al. Lamore and Goos ; Raja et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined Brachysporium obovatum Berk. ITS sequence data is : Helminthosporium obovatum Berk. Magazine of Natural History 6: Phaeoacremonium ovale Huang et al.
Notes: Sequence data is not available. Sexual morph: Undetermined Brachysporium nigrum Link S. Trichosphaeriales M. Winter available. Brachysporium Sacc. Abellini 4: Asexual morph Colonies effuse, brown, velvety. Myce- Unisetosphaeria Pinnoi et al. Sexual morph Ascomata subhyaline to brown hyphae. Conidiophores mononema- immersed to superficial, scattered, pyriform, hyaline to tous, macronematous, erect, straight or slightly flexuous, light brown, dark brown near the apex, coriaceous, ostio- smooth, thick-walled, septate, unbranched, cylindrical, late, papillate.
Papilla periphysate, surrounded by short brown in the bottom, paler and tapering toward the apex. Seta single, composed of several rows of brown Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, terminal, integrated, cells, arising from the ostiolar region.
Peridium composed hyaline, denticulate, proliferating sympodially. Conidia of angular brown-walled cells. Paraphyses sparse, obscure, acropleurogenous, septate, smooth, thick-walled, fusoid to comprising short rows of ovoid to oblong cells. Asci limoniform, polar cells subhyaline, narrowing at the apex, 8-spored, unitunicate, clavate, short pedicellate, apically median cells brown. Ascospores and acropleurogenous, aseptate or septate conidia Hughes 2-seriate, septate, hyaline. The Type species: Unisetosphaeria penguinoides Pinnoi phylogenetic analysis show that our Neospadicoides spe- et al.
Its taxonomic placement was between coidaceae Xenospadicoidales Fig. Chaetosphaeriaceae and Trichosphaeriaceae. However, Neospadicoides aquatica Z. Su, Unisetosphaeri penguinoides has several incompatible sp.
The characters of asco- number: FoF , Fig. Thus, it was fungus. This suggestion was followed by Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater Maharachchikumbura et al. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, brown to dark Unisetosphaeria penguinoides Pinnoi et al. Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed, Distribution: Thailand, Narathiwat Province, on sub- composed of septate, branched, smooth, pale brown merged petiole of Eleiodoxa conferta Pinnoi et al.
Sequence data is not mononematous, solitary or in groups, erect, unbranched, available. Xenospadicoidales Hern. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, integrated, terminal, sub- Xenospadicoidaceae Hern.
Conidia 18—22 lm Neospadicoides Z. Asexual morph Colonies led. Mycelium partly Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, Gaoligong superficial, partly immersed, composed of septate, bran- Mountain, saprobic on decaying wood submerged in a fresh- ched, smooth, pale brown hyphae. Conidiophores water stream, July , X. Conidiogenous americana in having macronematous, mononematous, cells holoblastic, enteroblastic, percurrent, polytretic, erect, unbranched, septate, solitary or in groups conidio- integrated, terminal.
Conidia acrogenous or acropleuroge- phores paler towards the apex, integrated, terminal conid- nous, fusiform, obovoid, septate, smooth-walled. Sexual iogenous cells and 2-septate, smooth conidia Wongsawas morph Undetermined. However, Neospadicoides aquatica differs Type species: Neospadicoides lignicola Z.
Su 18—22 9 7—9 vs. Spadicoides in having effuse, hairy colonies on natural Neospadicoides lignicola Z. Su, substrate, mycelium composed of septate, branched, sp. However, Holotype: MFLU 18— Neospadicoides differs from Spadicoides in having Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater unbranched conidiophores and acrogenous or acropleu- habitats.
Asexual morph Colonies effuse, brown to dark rogenous, septate conidia while Spadicoides have branched brown. Culture on MEA, q from above, r from reverse. Scale bars: c— towards the apex, straight or slightly flexuous, cylindrical, f 50 lm, g—p 15 lm septate, smooth, thick-walled, occasionally swollen at the apex. Conidiogenous cells polytretic, integrated, terminal and intercalary, with pale colored pores remaining at the conidiogenous loci. Conidia 7. Sexual morph towards the apex, smooth.
Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, Undetermined. Sexual morph coides hodgkissa in having macronematous, mononema- Undetermined. However, Neospadicoides yunnanensis or in groups, erect, unbranched, septate, straight or flexu- differs from Spadicoides hodgkissa in having pale brown ous, cylindrical, brown conidiophores paler towards the conidia with dark band at basal euseptum while Spadi- apex, integrated, terminal conidiogenous cells and obovoid, coides hodgkissa has versicolored conidia comprising a septate, guttulate conidia this study.
However, proximal euseptum and a distal distoseptum and the distal Neospadicoides lignicola differs from N. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that N. Hughes, Can. Hughes with S. Goh and Neospadicoides yunnanensis Z. Hyde a briefly discussed the generic concept of Su, sp. Thirty-one Spadicoides species were revised, Index Fungorum number: IF , Facesoffungi of which 21 species were accepted. Presently, 55 epithets number: FoF , Fig. Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater Seven species are known from freshwater habitats habitats.
Asexual morph Colonies on decaying wood Goh and Hyde a; Ho et al. Mycelium partly immersed in the a, a, b, c; Zhuang Wang branched hyphae. Scale bars: e, imen. HMZFW Type species: Torrentispora fibrosa Hyde et al.
Spadicoides atra Corda S. Hughes Res. Torrentispora Distribution: China, Hong Kong, on submerged wood comprises seven species from freshwater habitats. Zhuang Torrentispora aquatica Vijaykr. LSU sequence data is available. Hyde Torrentispora biatriispora K. Distribution: Australia, Queensland, on submerged Mill. Sequence data is not : Pseudoannulatascus biatriisporus K. Hyde Z. This species is known only from Australia on Luo et al. Reservoir, on submerged wood Tsui et al. Distribution: France, on submerged wood of Fraxinus a.
In this study, we introduce a new species and a is presented. RAxML bootstrap support values equal to or greater than new combination for this genus. Maximum parsimony have been reported from freshwater habitats. Newly generated sequences K. Hyde, comb. Ex-type strains are in bold : Barbatosphaeria aquatica N. Hyde, in Hyde et al. Sequence data is Ban Nang Lae Nai, on decaying wood submerged in a unavailable. Torrentispora fibrosa Hyde et al.
Our phylo- on decaying wood of Nothofagus sp. Morphology of specimen collected from freshwater habitats PDD Hyde diophores; monoblastic, terminal, integrated conidiogenous Distribution: Brunei, on submerged wood Fryar and cells; solitary, dry, clavate, green to brown conidia, with Hyde Sequence data is not phylogenetic analyses, we synonymize Barbatosphaeria available.
This species is known only from Brunei on aquatica under Acrodictys aquatica. Su, and Hyde Etymology: Referring to this fungus dwelling in a Asexual morph: Undetermined stream. Notes: Holotype ILL Sequence data is not Holotype: DLU available. This species is known only from Costa Rica, on Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater submerged wood Barbosa et al. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, dark brown to Diaporthomycetidae family incertae sedis black.
Conidiophores 98— lm long, 4—6 lm wide Acrodictyaceae J. Ellis, Mycol. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, Type species. Acrodictys bambusicola M. Ellis, integrated, terminal, cylindrical, lageniform to doliiform, Mycol.
Ellis as the type species. There are 45 nous, solitary, muriform, broadly clavate, obovoid to epithets listed in Index Fungorum December Until pyriform, usually with 2—3 transverse septa and a few , identification of Acrodictys-like species was based longitudinal septa, with conspicuous pores in each cells, on morphology.
Xia et al. Culture on PDA from above j and reverse k. Sexual morph shan Mountain, saprobic on decaying wood submerged in a Ascomata immersed, globose to subglobose, dark brown to freshwater stream, October , L. Wang, S DLU black, — lm high, — lm diam. Neck black, Notes: Acrodictys fluminicola resembles the generic cylindrical, straight to slightly flexuous, converging radi- type A.
Peridium 25—40 lm thick, leathery to fragile, 2-lay- ched and septate conidiophores dark brown at the base, ered. Outer layer consisting of thick-walled, brown, narrower and paler toward the apex, solitary, muriform, polyhedral to elongate cells of textura prismatica to textura obovoid to pyriform conidia slightly constricted at the angularis, towards the interior grading into several layers of septa, with obconical basal cell and the size of conidio- thin-walled pale brown to subhyaline flattened cells.
Pa- phores and conidia of these two species are almost similar raphyses septate, slightly constricted at the septa, wider Xia et al. Phylogenetic analysis also stipe, ascal apex broadly rounded to obtuse. Ascospores 5— shows that Acrodictys fluminicola and A. Phylogenetically, A. Heilong stream, 15 March , Z.
Alegria, Liput River, on submerged bamboo culm Cai hippocrepida in having globose to subglobose, dark brown et al. However, B. In this study, we introduce one new species and this illustration refer to Zhang et al. Sexual morph is the only known Barbatosphaeria species collected from Description and illustration refer to Liu et al. Type species: Conlarium dupliciascospora F. Barbatosphaeria lignicola Z. Cai, Mycologia 5 : Hyde, sp.
Scale bars: b 50 lm, c—g 20 lm Conlarium aquaticum Dong et al. Type species: Riomyces rotundus A. Ferrer, A. TEF1a sequence data obtained from ex-type culture are Riomyces rotundus Ferrer et al. Cai submerged wood Ferrer et al. Asexual morph Description and illustrations see Ariya- Riomyces Ferrer et al.
Sexual morph Description and illus- Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Descrip- trations see Zhang et al.
Scale bars: d, g— Type species: Junewangia sphaerospora W. The species of Junewangia are characterized by Type species: Dictyosporella aquatica Abdel-Aziz, slightly flared conidiophores with annellidic, percurrent Fungal Divers proliferation, cylindrical or narrowly cuneate conidio- Notes: Ariyawansa et al. Seven species are accepted in the genus accommodated it in family Annulatascaceae. Junewangia and only one of them was collected from a, b introduced a sexual morph species Dic- freshwater habitats in China Song et al.
Dong, H. Hyde Junewangia aquatica H. Hu for this genus which was collected from freshwater, and Distribution: China, Yunnan Province, Mengla, stream they moved this genus from Annulatascaceae to Dia- in rubber trees field, on submerged wood Song et al. Song et al. This species is only known tioned in their study. Our phylogenetic analysis based on from the type locality. Sporidesmiella P. Kirk According to our phylogenetic result, Dictyosporella is Asexual morph Descriptions and illustrations see Wu and transferred from Diaporthomycetidae genera incertae sedis Zhuang ; Sexual morph Undetermined.
Three species were accepted in this Type species: Sporidesmiella claviformis P. Kirk, genus and all were collected from freshwater habitats. Kirk to accommodate the species previously descri- decayed stem of Phragmites australis Ariyawansa et al.
Sporidesmiella resembles Repetophragma but differs in its Sexual morph: Undetermined distoseptate conidia Kirk ; Subramanian Junewangiaceae while Repetophragma belongs in Pseu- Dictyosporella hydei H. Hu dosporidesmiaceae Fig. In this study, we Distribution: China, Yunnan Province, Mengla, on report three Sporidesmiella species which were collected submerged wood in a small stream Song et al. Sexual morph: Undetermined Sporidesmiella aquatica Z. LSU sequence data is sp.
Holotype: MFLU 18— a, b. Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater Asexual morph: Undetermined habitats. Mycelium partly superficial, partly RPB2 sequence data are available. Conidiophores — lm long, 8—10 lm Junewangia W. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, polyblastic, ing wood submerged in a freshwater stream, August , sympodial, integrated, terminal, subterminal, subhyaline to H.
DLUCC Sexual morph TEF1a sequence data for this species. The species Spor- Undetermined. This species and the type variety were freshwater stream, October , Z. Shen, Upadhyay and Mankau During an investigation on lignicolous fresh- perma in having macronematous, mononematous, erect, water fungi in China, a Sporidesmiella-like fungus was unbranched, septate, cylindrical conidiophores, integrated, collected from Yunnan Province and the morphological terminal conidiogenous cells with percurrent or sympodial characters of our new collection fits well with S.
However, S. Phylogenetic analysis aquatica differs from S. Based on the morphology Sporidesmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes Madrid et al. Hughes, N. Jl Bot. Kirk : Sporidesmiella hyalosperma var. Hughes P.
Kirk, Trans. Hughes H. Mycelium partly superficial, partly Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater immersed, composed of septate, branched, smooth, pale habitats. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, hairy, yellow brown hyphae. Conidiophores — lm long, 5—7 lm brown to brown. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, polyblastic, mononematous, erect, unbranched, septate, straight or sympodial, integrated, terminal, later becoming subtermi- flexuous, cylindrical, yellow—brown, paler towards the nal, subhyaline to pale brown, with percurrent or sympo- apex, smooth.
Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, polyblastic, dial proliferations. Conidia 17—21 lm long, 8—10 lm wide sympodial, integrated, terminal, subhyaline to pale brown. Sexual morph clavate or obovoid, rounded at the apex, truncate at the Undetermined.
Sporidesmiella hyalosperma is the most lutao, Natigbasan Creek, on submerged wood Wong et al. Morpholog- b. Therefore, RPB2 sequence data are available. Facesoffungi number: FoF , Fig. Hyde, Mycol. Sexual morph Descrip- globose to ellipsoid, solitary, dark brown to black. Ostiole tions and illustrations refer to Ranghoo et al. Para- collected from freshwater habitats. This species is only physes 4—6 lm wide, hyaline, unbranched, septate, slightly known from the type locality.
Fluminicola Wong et al. Sexual morph Descrip- stream, November , Z. Asexual morph: Undetermined a, b introduced three species which were collected Notes: Holotype MFLU 15—, other specimen col- from a freshwater River in southern Thailand. Fluminicola brown, smooth hyphae. Conidiophores 54—90 lm long, 3— thailandensis was introduced by Zhang et al. Conidiogenous northern Thailand, an Annulatascaceae-like fungus was cells polyblastic, sympodial, denticulate, integrated, ter- collected from Chiang Rai Province.
Morphologically, the minal, subhyaline, with pale brown scar. Phylogenetic analysis based on narrow at apex, truncate at base, smooth-walled. We compared the ITS sequences , Z. Wongia aquatica is the first 14— Based on morphology and phylogeny, we asexual morph species in the genus Wongia. Phylogeneti- identify our species as Fluminicola thailandensis. Wongia Khemmuk et al. Mycelium partly immersed, composed of branched, Diluviicola Hyde et al.
Conidiophores macrone- matous, mononematous, solitary, erect, straight or flexu- Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Description ous, unbranched, septate, dark brown, smooth. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, denticulate, integrated, Type species: Diluvicola capensis K. Hyde, S. Jones, Fungal Divers 1: form, 3-septate, guttulate, dark brown at central two cells, Notes: Hyde et al. Sexual morph Descriptions refer to Khemmuk et al.
Diluviicola aquatica W. Hyde, Type species: Wongia garrettii P. Notes: Khemmuk et al. In this study, we introduce an asexual Wongia Diluviicola capensis Hyde et al. Etymology: Referring to the aquatic habitat of this Sequence data is unavailable. Sexual morph Description Saprobic on submerged decaying wood. Asexual and illustrations see Wong and Hyde a, b.
Type species: Pseudoproboscispora aquatica S. Hyde Punith. Previous studies showed that Ver. Rhamphoria pyriformis Pers. Hyde : Sphaeria pyriformis Pers. Japan, Koito River, on reported that Rhamphoria pyriformis was found submerged wood Tsui et al.
Rhodoveronaea Arzanlou et al. Asexual morph Colonies velvety, floccose; surface oliva- : Ceriospora caudae-suis Ingold, Trans. Hyphae pale olivaceous, smooth, thin-walled. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, termi- Johnson County, Lousiana, Caldwell Parish, Mississippi, nally integrated, sympodial, smooth, thick-walled, pale Franklin County, New York, Adirondack Park, North brown, rachis straight, occasionally geniculate, with Carolina, Cheoah River, Oregon, Florence County, Penn- crowded, slightly prominent conidium-bearing denticles, sylvania, Columbia County, Tennessee, Great Smoky denticles flat-tipped, slightly pigmented.
Conidia solitary, Mountains National Park, West Virginia, Pocahontas ellipsoidal to obovoidal, aseptate to multiseptate, with a County, Wisconsin, Adams County, on submerged wood in protruding base and a marginal basal frill, pale brown, lentic or lotic habitats Campbell et al.
Conidial secession Asexual morph: Undetermined schizolytic Arzanlou et al. Sexual morph Asco- Notes: Holotype K M ; Sequence data is not mata nonstromatic, gregarious or solitary, dark brown to available. Peridium leathery, two-lay- merged bamboo in a small River Zhang et al.
Paraphyses septate, hyaline, tapering towards the tip, Asexual morph: Undetermined longer than the asci. Ascospores sequence data are available. Sex- Notes: Arzanlou et al. In this study, we introduce the second species R. Peridium composed of thick-walled, dark brown aquatica, which was collected from freshwater habitats in polygonal cells which become thin-walled and hyaline northwestern Yunnan, China.
Paraphyses filiform, hyaline and numer- Rhodoveronaea aquatica Z. Su, ous. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, long-stalked. Ascospores monostichous in the ascus, ovoid to oblong, Index Fungorum number: IF , Facesoffungi hyaline to subhyaline, smooth-walled. Scale bars: a—g 20 lm Etymology: Referring to the aquatic habitat of this Saprobic on decaying, submerged wood in freshwater fungus habitats.
Asexual morph Hyphomycetous. Conidio- with two species and was placed in the family Annulatas- genous cells polyblastic, terminally integrated, sympodial, caceae Ho et al. Subsequently, Tsui et al. Conidia 23—27 lm long, 9—11 lm wide freshwater environments in Asia and Australia. Four freshwater tate, pale brown, smooth-walled. Conidial secession schi- species are accepted in Aquaticola.
Aquaticola hyalomura Ho et al. LSU 18— Notes: Rhodoveronaea aquatica resembles R. Sequence data is not However, R. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that Shui, on submerged wood Tsui et al. Rhodoveronaea aquatica and R. Woswasiaceae Zhang et al. Aquaticola triseptata Tsui et al. Cyanoannulus Raja et al. Sexual morph Descrip- River, on submerged wood Tsui et al. Notes: The genus Cyanoannulus was introduced by Raja et al. Sexual morph Descrip- freshwater habitats.
And this species is known only from tions and illustrations see Ferrer et al. Type species: Bullimyces communis Ferrer et al. All these species are Raja et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined Bullimyces aurisporus Ferrer et al. Ferrer et al. Type species: Aquaticola hyalomura W. Ho, C. Colonies on PDA from above l and reverse k.
Type species: Clohiesia corticola K. Hyde, Nova Bullimyces costaricensis Ferrer et al. Hyde was established by Hyde Ferrer et al. Tsui et al. All these species were collected from freshwater habitats. Cancellidium Tubaki, Trans. Japan 16 4 : Presently, Clohiesia is placed in the family Annulatas- caceae Maharachchikumbura et al.
However, Zhang et al. Mycelium immersed or superficial, composed showed that Clohiesia corticola HKUCC is close to of septate, subhyaline to hyaline, smooth-walled hyphae. Chaetosphaeriales based on phylogenetic analyses.
In this Conidiophores micronematous, short. Conidiogenous cells study, Clohiesia corticola HKUCC is basal to integrated, terminal, determinate, cylindrical, subhyaline. Phyllachoraceae based on phylogenetic analysis, therefore Conidia acrogenous, solitary, muriform, dictyosporous, we assign this genus to Diaporthomycetidae genera incer- strongly flattened, fan-shaped, obovate to obcordate, brown tae sedis.
Clohiesia corticola K. Hyde Type species: Cancellidium applanatum Tubaki, Trans. Distribution: Australia, Queensland, on submerged Mycol. Clohiesia curvispora L. Clohiesia lignicola Tsui et al. Ceratostomella Sacc. Sexual morph Descrip- Tsui et al. Type species: Ceratostomella vestita Sacc. Sexual morph Description from freshwater habitats Inderbitzin Notes: Hyalorostratum was introduced by Raja et al.
Sequence data is not Shearer as type species which was collected from fresh- available. Conidia 51— it as Diaporthales genera incertae sedis. Presently, a single species is accepted in this truncate at the base.
Notes: Pseudostanjehughesia lignicola morphologically Asexual morph: Undetermined resembles P. However, Pseudostanjehughesia J. Hyde, Mycol Prog P. Asexual morph Description and illustrations see Yang aquitropica have rostrate conidia which are oval or ellip- et al. Type species: Pseudostanjehughesia aquitropica J. Following Jeewon and by Yang et al. Pseudostan- for new species, we delved into pairwise dissimilarities of jehughesia resembles Stanjehughesia and Linkosia due to DNA sequences and noted that there are indeed differences the absence or reduced conidiophores, and brown and in the ribosomal ITS sequences, 68 noticeable nucleotide obclavate conidia.
Linkosia is easily distinguished from differences including 11 gaps among the nucleotides Pseudostanjehughesia by the lageniform or ampulliform analysed between Pseudostanjehughesia lignicola and P. It is difficult aquitropica. Pseudostanjehughesia lignicola is the second to separate Pseudostanjehughesia from Stanjehughesia as species for Pseudostanjehughesia and both species are both genera share similar morphological characters of collected from freshwater habitats.
However, they are phylogenetically distinct. Subclass Hypocreomycetidae O. Hyde Coronophorales Nannf. Bertia De Not. Type species: Bertia moriformis Tode De Not. Pseudostanjehughesia lignicola Z. Among these species, only Bertia convo- Etymology: Referring to this fungus dwelling on wood lutispora K.
Saprobic on decaying, submerged wood in freshwater Bertia convolutispora K. Hyde habitats. Colonies Distribution: Australia, north Queensland, on wood effuse, dark brown, scattered, glistening.
Mycelium partly submerged in stream Hyde c. Asexual morph: Undetermined Conidiophores indistinct. Sequence data is not Distribution: China, Yunnan Province, on submerged available. Cylindrotrichum Bonord. Setae absent. Conidiophores sequence data are available. Cylindrotrichum clavatum was macronematous, mononematous, cylindrical, straight. Conidia cylindrical, Cylindrotrichum gorii Lunghini slightly tapering, rounded at apex, obtuse at base, 1-septate, Distribution: China, Yunnan Province, Dali, on sub- not constricted at septum, hyaline, guttulate, smooth.
Ascomata superficial, soli- bura et al. Sexual morph: Undetermined Ostiolum periphysate. Peridium fragile, 2-layered. Para- Notes: Specimen collected from freshwater habitats: physes septate, hyaline, filiform, forming a branching and MFLU 17— Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, available.
Ascospores ellipsoidal Cylindrotrichum submersum Z. Stuttgart : 88 number: FoF , Fig. Reticulascus clavatus fungus with its asexual morph Cylindrotrichum clavatum is a Holotype: MFLU 18— common dweller of submerged wood in lotic sites in Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater France. Cylindrotrichum includes 23 names Rambelli and habitats. Asexual morph Colonies on natural substrate, Onofri while Reticulascus includes only two names effuse, superficial, brown to black, hairy, in groups.
Conidio- : Blastophorum aquaticum Luo et al. Sexual morph Hyde et al. Notes: Holotype DLU This fungus was introduced as Blastophorum Mountain, saprobic on decaying wood submerged in a aquaticum by Hyde et al.
It resembles Cylin- freshwater stream, October , Z. In this study, the phylo- Notes: Cylindrotrichum submersum resembles C. Based on the morphology and phy- conidiophores of similar size and cylindrical or clavate, logeny, we synonymized Blastophorum aquaticum under hyaline, smooth conidia. However, Cylindrotrichum sub- Cylindrotrichum aquaticum. Scale Conidiophores macronematous, unbranched.
Conidio- bars: b lm, c, d lm, e, g, h 30 lm, l 20 lm, i—k 10 lm genous cells enteroblastic phialidic, integrated or discrete, terminal or lateral, hyaline, smooth-walled, cylindrical. Conidia acrogenous, hyaline, 0—1-septate, sometimes slightly constricted at septum, cylindrical to slight clavate, or polyphialidic conidiogenous cells, 1—2-septate conidia broadly rounded at the apex, subtruncate to obconically Gams and Holubova-Jechova ; Maharachchikumbura truncate at the base, thick-walled, smooth.
Sexual morph et al. DNA sequence data for Aquanectria Hyde et al. We introduce a new species, Clade 39 represents the family Stachybotriaceae estab- Phaeoisaria filiformis. We introduce a new genus Dema- Stachybotrys. In this study, morphological characterization tiosporium in this family. Clade 45 represents the order Conioscyphales estab- chlorohalonata are provided. We introduce two new species, Co- Taxonomy nioscypha aquatica and C. Clade 46 represents the monotypic order Fuscosporel- Based on the outline and multigene phylogeny of fresh- lales established by Yang et al.
Most of the species in this order are Sordariomycetes are scattered in six sub-classes, viz. Dia- reported from freshwater habitats. The to accommodate two ascomycete species, A.
Descriptions, illustrations and sequence data for wood in Australia. There are 19 epithets of Annulatascus the fungi collected from freshwater habitats in China and listed in Index Fungorum December, , however Thailand from to are also provided.
Hyde et al. Subsequently, Campbell and follows: Shearer established a new genus Annulusmagnus for Diaporthomycetidae Senan. Luo et al. Pseudoannulatascus biatriisporus. Hyde, Aust. Sexual morph Updated nulatascus biatriisporus under Torrentispora biatriispora, generic description and illustrations see based on phylogenetic analysis. Currently, 16 species are Maharachchikumbura et al. Hyde, from freshwater habitats in tropical areas Barbosa et al. Annulatascus apiculatus F. Annulatascus lacteus Tsui et al.
Sequence data is not available. Erythrophleum teysmannii Boonyuen et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined Annulatascus liputii L.
Liput River Cai et al. Annulatascus fusiformis K. Sequence data is not wood Vijaykrishna and Hyde ; China, Yunnan available. Sequence data is not Asexual morph: Undetermined available. LSU available. Annulatascus palmietensis Goh et al.
Annulatascus joannae Tsui et al. Durban, Palmiet River, on submerged wood Hyde et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined b. Campbell and Shearer Hyde sequence data are available. Annulatascus velatisporus K. Hyde Type species: Aqualignicola hyalina Ranghoo et al. Natigbasan Creek, on submerged wood Wong et al. Mai Province, on submerged wood Hu et al. Aqualignicola vaginata Hu et al. Annulusmagnus J. Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Description Asexual morph: Undetermined and illustrations see Campbell and Shearer Sequence data is not Type species: Annulusmagnus triseptatus Wong et al.
Aqualignicola vaginata was introduced by Hu J. Annulusmagnus triseptatus was first collected from submerged wood in Brunei Wong et al. Sexual morph Description a and subsequently reported from Australia, Canada and illustrations see Campbell and Shearer Annulusmagnus triseptatus Wong et al. Ascitendus was proposed for Ascolacicola austriaca a. Sequence data is not species of Ascitendus are accepted and both were collected available.
River, on decaying wood submerged in a River Hyde et al. Type species: Cataractispora aquatica Hyde et al. Ho et al. LSU sequence data is Louise, on submerged wood Hyde et al.
Hyde, Cryptog. Sexual morph Description Cataractispora aquatica Hyde et al. Distribution: Australia, north Queensland, Cow Bay, a. Ayria with A. Sequence data is not and sea water, in Brunei. Raja et al. Cataractispora bipolaris K. Hyde Hyde et al. Hyde : Annulatascus bipolaris K. The type specimen was on submerged decaying wood Raja et al. Sequence data is not description, illustration and information for specimens.
Cataractispora receptaculorum Ho et al. Type species: Submersisphaeria aquatica K. Presently, five species were accepted in this genus Park, Black River Hyde et al.
Sequence data is not described from Queensland, Australia Hyde , and available. Campbell et al. Fournier et al. Asexual morph Taeniolella-like.
Sexual morph Descrip- Submersisphaeria aquatica K. Hyde tion and illustrations see Zelski et al. There is only one submerged wood Campbell et al. Asexual morph: Taeniolella-like, see Zelski et al. Sequence data is not Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Description available. Longicollum Zelski et al. Sexual morph: Descrip- Mycologia 92 5 : tion and illustrations see Zelski et al. Notes: The genus Vertexicola is characterized by asci Type species: Longicollum biappendiculatum Zelski with a refractive apical ring and a tail-like pedicel and et al.
Barbosa Longicollum biappendiculatum Zelski et al. Sequence data is not debris; Peru, Camanti, stream at Quincemil Trail 1, on available. Reservoir, submerged wood Ranghoo et al.
Submersisphaeria K. Hyde, Nova Hedwigia 62 1—2 : Atractosporales Zhang et al. Notes: Holotype PRM Luo, K. Su, sp. RPB2 sequence data are available. Atractospora ellipsoidea Ho et al. Fryar et al. Sexual morph Shearer Ascomata — lm high, — lm diam. LSU globose to subglobose, unilocular.
Ostiole periphysate. Atractospora thailandensis Dong et al. Fourn 18—, holotype. Sexual morph Description and smaller ascospores 15—19 vs. Atractospora aquatica also resembles A. However, Atractospora abscondita, collected from freshwater in France. This is a aquatica differs from A. Yverneaux, on submerged twigs of Abies alba in a peat bog Sequence data is unavailable. Diaporthales Nannf. Asexual morph: Undetermined Diaporthaceae Hohn. Barr, Mycotaxon 60 globose.
Conidiophores cylindrical, sometimes filiform, Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Ascomata aseptate or septate, cylindrical, sometimes branched. Coni- subglobose to obpyriform to lageniform, brown or exter- dia dimorphic, hyaline, smooth, with usually fusiform and nally with yellowish pigments, glabrous or slightly rugose, biguttulate alpha conidia and usually filiform, hamate, non- with short to long papilla or with long upright neck.
Sexual morph Ascomata globose to Peridium comprising two or three layers. Paraphyses subglobose, coriaceous, immersed to semi-immersed, sin- numerous, septate, hyaline. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, gle to clustered, brown to black. Neck cylindrical, black. Paraphyses cylindrical, longer than asci, septate. Asci remnants attached to the ascogenous hyphae after dehis- 8-spored, unitunicate, thin-walled, apedicellate, broad cence. Ascospores ellipsoidal to reniform to navicular, cylindrical to obclavate, with a minute apical ring.
As- aseptate or transversely 1-septate with one or two polar cospores overlapping biseriate, ellipsoidal to fusiform, germ pores, brown. Type species: Diaporthe eres Nitschke, Pyrenomyc. Barr, Mycotaxon 61 Germ. Three species have been names in the genus Diaporthe, but this was reduced to found in freshwater habitats.
Hu et al. Cai duced a new Diaporthe species D. Diaporthe aquatica Hu et al. Gnomoniaceae G. LSU sequence data is Asexual morph Undetermined. Sexual morph Descrip- available. Jobellisia luteola was originally collected from tions and illustrations refer to Senanayake et al. Sogonov et al. Hyde rum. Monod in host associations. Distribution: Malaysia, on submerged wood Ho et al. Ambarignomonia petiolorum Schwein. Sogonov Asexual morph: Undetermined Ges.
Leipzig 1: Gnomoniella : Gnomonia petiolorum Schwein. Cooke, Gre- microspora was originally collected from terrestrial habi- villea 7: 54 tats Monod Same as Gno- specimens collected from freshwater habitats: ILLS , moniella microspora, the original collection of G. However, we sequence data are available. Fallah and Shearer consider this species as freshwater fungus as Ho et al.
Colonies on PDA effuse, Ambarignomonia petiolorum. Conidio- Gnomonia Ces. Asexual morph see Sivanesan and Shaw Sexual Conidiogenous cells monophialidic, determinate, with morph Description see Maharachchikumbura et al. Conidia straight or curved, oblong, hya- Type species: Gnomonia vulgaris Ces. Sexual morph Ascomata immersed, subglo- Comm. Peridium composed of 2 layers, with and De Notaris and typified by Gnomonia gnomon. Paraphyses hyaline, broad, septate. Asci unituni- Shaw ; Fallah and Shearer ; Senanayake et al.
J-, subapical ring. Ascospores cylindrical, straight or Gnomonia papuana Sivan. Shaw curved, versicolorous, transseptate, brown with hyaline or Distribution: Papua New Guinea, on submerged leaves pale brown end cells.
Sivanesan and Shaw Sequence data is not Phruensis with a single species P. No more species reported for Gnomoniella Sacc. Sexual morph Ascomata Phruensis brunneispora Pinruan globose to subglobose, immersed.
Asci cylindrical, subsessiles. Ascospores fusiform, horn peat swamp forest, on submerged palm in freshwater ellipse, hyaline, septate. Type species: Gnomoniella tubaeformis Tode Sacc.
Abellini 1: b Notes: Kirk et al. SSU genus Gnomoniella. Two species have been found in sequence data is available. Culture on PDA from above i and reverse j. Culture on PDA from surface l and reverse m. Culture on PDA from above n and reverse o. Culture on MEA from above l and reverse m. Scale bars: c—k 30 lm Distoseptisporales Z. Luo, H. Hyde, ord. Conidio- Notes: Distoseptisporaceae was established by Su et al.
Conidiogenous phology and phylogeny. Culture on PDA from above o and reverse p. Scale Distoseptisporales. Phylogenetic results show that Asexual morph Description and illustration see Su et al.
Distoseptispora appendiculata is distinct from other spe- and Yang et al. Sexual morph cies of Distoseptispora Fig. Distoseptispora aquatica Luo et al. Type species: Distoseptispora aquatica Luo et al. Notes: Su et al. Currently, there are 13 species in Dis- Distoseptispora cangshanensis Luo et al. Mountain, on submerged wood Luo et al. Sexual morph: Undetermined Distoseptispora appendiculata D. Bao, Z.
Asexual morph Colonies effuse, olivaceous or Distoseptispora guttulata J. Hyde mid-brown, hairy, velvety. Mycelium mostly immersed, Facesoffungi number: FoF , Fig.
Conidiophores 62—86 lm long, 4. Mycelium partly superficial, partly matous, solitary, erect, straight or flexuous, olivaceous or immersed, consisting of branched, septate, smooth, sub- brown, 5—6-septate, smooth. Conidiogenous cells hyaline to pale brown hyphae. Conidiophores 28—84 lm monoblastic, holoblastic, terminal, dark brown. Conidiogenous below, hyaline towards apex, truncate at base, slender and cells monoblastic, integrated, terminal, determinate, mid to rounded at apex, smooth, with a conspicuous, gelatinous, dark brown, cylindrical, sometimes proliferating percur- hyaline sheath around tip.
Sexual morph Undetermined. Conidia 70— — lm long, 8. Notes: Distoseptispora appendiculata resembles D. However, Distoseptispora appendicu- lata is easily distinguished from D. The best scoring RAxML tree with a final likelihood value of – RAxML bootstrap support values equal to or greater 5—9-euseptate conidia, while D. Bayesian euseptate conidia. Phylogenetically, Distoseptispora gut- posterior probability equal to or higher than 0.
Ex-type or ex-epitype strains are in species Fig. Hyde Facesoffungi number: FoF , Fig. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, dark olive- et al.
Conidiophores 29—47 lm long, 4—6 lm Distoseptispora guttulata was introduced by matous, solitary, brown, 2—3-septate, straight or slightly Yang et al. Morphologically, our iso- apex, olive-green to dark brown. Conidiogenous cells late fits well with the characters of D. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that our isolate determinate, cylindrical. Conidia — lm long, 12— clusters with ex-type of D. Conidial seces- K. Hyde, sp. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, scattered, hairy, Hua Hin, on submerged wood in a stream Hyde et al.
Mycelium mostly immersed, com- b. Distoseptispora multiseptata was introduced by uous, 6—septate, unbranched, cylindrical, brown, Yang et al. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, integrated, ter- freshwater stream in Thailand. Morphologically, our iso- minal, determinate, brown, cylindrical. Conidia 60— late fits well with the characters of D.
Phylogenetic analysis also shows that our acrogenous, solitary or catenate, obclavate, truncate at isolate clusters with ex-type of D. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, dark olivaceous, cylindrical, septate conidiophores, solitary or in groups on hairy.
Scale bars: b, c lm, Notes: Distoseptispora obclavata resembles D. However, Distoseptispora brown hyphae. Conidiophores 93— lm long, 5. Phylogenetic results show that Distosep- flexuous, tapering distally, truncate at the apex.
Conidio- tispora appendiculata is distinct from other species of genous cells monoblastic, integrated, terminal, brown, Distoseptispora Fig. Conidia — lm long, 13—15 lm wide Distoseptispora obpyriformis Z. Notes: Distoseptispora neorostrata shares similar mor- Sexual morph: Undetermined phological characters with D.
However, the multi-gene phylogenetic analyses Distoseptispora rostrata Luo et al. Su, on submerged wood Luo et al. Asexual morph Colonies effuse, olivaceous or on submerged wood Luo et al. Conidiophores Conidiogenous cells River Yang et al. Sexual Distoseptisporales genera incertae sedis morph Undetermined. Aquapteridospora Yang et al. Yang, K. Both of these species also Notes: Yang et al.
Aquapteridospora with single asexual species, A lignicola, However, A. In this study, we introduce the second species without a sheath, while the conidia of A. Aquapteridospora was placed as guttules in the middle cells and a conspicuous sheath. Diaporthomycetidae genera incertae sedis by Yang et al. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that A. In our phylogenetic analysis, Aquapteridospora lignicola are distinct from other species, but they cluster species form a distinct clade within Distoseptisporales and together with strong support Fig.
To further basal to Distoseptisporaceae, and we therefore treat this support A. Aquapteridospora lignicola Yang et al. Sexual morph: Undetermined Magnaporthales Thongk et al. LSU sequence data is Ceratosphaeriaceae Z.
Hyde, available. Aquapteridospora fusiformis Z. Luo, D. Bao, H. Phialides or short number: FoF , Fig. Conidiogenous cells fungus. Conidia cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater. Sexual morph Stromata absent. Ascomata globose Asexual morph Colonies on the natural substrate effuse, to pyriform, deeply immersed to almost superficial, dark hairy, pale brown to brown.
Mycelium superficial or partly brown to black, carbonaceous, with a long cylindrical, immersed, composed of branched, septate, pale brown to black or yellow crystals neck. Periphyses well-developed. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, fairly tate, smooth, thick-walled, brown at the base, paler towards thin-walled, the apex truncate, with a conspicuous J-apical apex.
Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, terminal, later ring. Ascospores arranged biseriately, narrowly cylindric- becoming intercalary, pale brown, integrated, with several fusiform, or filiform, the ends acute, thin-walled, hyaline, sympodial proliferations, bearing tiny, protuberant, circular septate, guttulate, smooth-walled.
Conidia 14—18 lm long, 5—7 lm wide Type genus: Ceratosphaeria Niessl, Verh. Phylogeneti- Undetermined. Morphologically, Pseudohalonectriaceae is 18—, holotype , ex-type living culture MFLUCC characterized by erumpent to immersed ascomata with a 18— Scale b Appearance of neck on substrate.
Culture on PDA from surface k and reverse l. Scale bars: b lm, c 50 lm, d— Holotype: MFLU 18— f 30 lm, g—j 20 lm Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater habitats.
Sexual morph Ascomata — lm high, — lm diam. Ceratosphaeriaceae is distinct solitary. Neck long, surface smooth, at times with yellow from Pseudohalonectriaceae in having narrowly cylindric- crystals. Peridium 29—43 lm thick, composed of an inner fusiform to filiform, longer ascospores. We therefore layer of flattened hyaline cells, a middle layer of small, introduce a new family Ceratosphaeriaceae to accommo- polygonal to irregular, pale brown cells, an outer layer of date Ceratosphaeria.
Pa- Ceratosphaeria Niessl, Verh. Ascospores 89—95 9 4— slimy, inconspicuous, and transparent. Conidia cylin- Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, saprobic drical with curvature, hyaline, narrowly rounded at both on decaying wood submerged in a freshwater river, April ends, aseptate, smooth. However, Cer- detached, scattered to densely aggregated. Peridium com- atosphaeria aquatica differs from C.
Interascal tissue of tulate, septate, larger ascospores 89—95 9 4—7 vs. Ceratosphaeria aquatica also periphyses well-developed. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, shares similar morphological characters with C. However, conspicuous, J-, apical ring.
Ascospores arranged biseri- Ceratosphaeria aquatica differs from C. Type species: Ceratosphaeria lampadophora Berk. Notes: The genus Ceratosphaeria was introduced by nat. In this study, we introduce two new species 67 7 : in Ceratosphaeria. Asexual morph: Harpophora-like. Ceratosphaeria aquatica Z. The best scoring RAxML tree with a final likelihood 94— vs. RAxML bootstrap support fusiform, 5—7-septate ascospores.
Bayesian posterior probability equal to or higher than 0. Cannon than 0. Newly generated sequences are in red. Ex-type or ex- Aquafiliformis Z. Su, gen. Sexual morph Ascomata immersed with neck swamps Shearer and Crane Peridium composed of an inner Notes: Sequence data is not available. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical number: FoF , Fig. Ascospores filiform, aseptate, guttulate, Etymology: Referring to this fungus dwelling on wood.
Su freshwater. Sexual morph Notes: Aquafiliformis morphologically resembles Cer- Ascomata — lm diam. Peridium Paraphyses 18— clusters in Magnaporthaceae, while Cer- 4. Asci — 9 11—13 lm atosphaeriaceae Fig. Twenty genera with available molecular Ascospores 94— 9 3. However, our decaying wood submerged in a freshwater stream, October strain differs from Muraeriata species in having globose to , Z. Ceratosphaeria lignicola differs ascospores, while Muraeriata species have lageniform to from C.
Cer- creating large empty pockets, with an external brown crust atosphaeria lignicola also shares similar morphological and narrowly fusiform, septate ascospores Huhndorf et al. Curtis Sacc. Abellini 2: Nograsek ; Hyde a. Therefore, we introduce a Notes: Saccardo introduced Ophioceras based on new genus Aquafiliformis to accommodate our collections. Ophioceras Aquafiliformis lignicola Z. Su, species are commonly encountered on decaying woody sp.
Etymology: Referring to this fungus dwelling on wood. Ophioceras aquaticus Hu et al. Sexual morph Asexual morph: Undetermined Ascomata — lm high, — lm diam. Peridium Ophioceras arcuatisporum Shearer et al. Paraphyses 4. Sequence data drical to clavate, hyaline. Ascospores 57—69 9 2. However, Aquafiliformis lignicola differs Ophioceras dolichostomum Berk. Curtis Sacc from Neogaeumannomyces bambusicola in having differ- : Sphaeria dolichostoma Berk.
Curtis, Soc. Aquafiliformis Bot. Phyloge- wood Hyde b ; Japan, Koito River, on submerged netic analysis also support that they belong to different wood Tsui et al. Ophioceraceae Klaubauf et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined Ophioceras Sacc. Abellini 2: Notes: Holotype anon. Peridium thick, blackened. Pa- Ophioceras fusiforme Shearer et al. Asci 8-spored, cylindrical, with small, refractive, apical rings. Culture on PDA from above k and reverse l. Scale bars: apically rounded.
Lin, stream, on submerged decorticated woody debris Shearer B MFLU 18—, holotype , ex-type living culture, et al. SSU sequence based on multi-gene phylogenetic analyses and is related to data obtained from ex-type culture is available. Ophioceras submersum resembles O. Lain Tsuen gense in having subglobose, black ascomata with a long River, on submerged wood Tsui et al. However, Ophio- Asexual morph: Undetermined ceras submersum differs from O. Sequence data is not smaller ascomata and longer asci Tsui et al.
Phylogenetic analysis also shows that they are distinct Ophioceras hongkongense Tsui et al. Lain Tsuen Ophioceras tenuisporum Shearer et al. River, on submerged wood Tsui et al. Iqbal J. Walker tubulin sequence data are available. Synonym: Gaeumannomyces leptosporus S. Iqbal, Ophioceras venezuelense Shearer et al. Ophioceras submersum D. Muroi, Trans. Japan 19 2 : Etymology: Referring to the submerged habitats of the Asexual morph Hyphomycetous, phialidic. Phialides fungus hyaline, micronematous, flask-shaped.
Sexual morph Ascomata immersed or Saprobic on decaying wood, submerged wood in partially immersed, with a long neck, globose to subglo- freshwater. Sexual morph bose. Peridium membranous. Paraphyses numerous, sep- Ascomata — lm diam. Asci unitunicate, cylindrical, straight or solitary, deeply immersed, subglobose or ellipsoidal, cori- curved, with J-, thimble-shaped apical ring. Ascospores aceous, black, with a long black neck. Ostiole central, with overlapping uniseriate to biseriate, multi-seriate, filiformes, straight upright neck at one end, black, periphysate.
Japan 19 2 : layer of pseudoparenchyma cells occluded with brown Notes: The genus Pseudohalonectria was introduced to amorphous material, dark brown cells of textura angularis. Paraphyses 7—10 lm wide, hyaline, septate, constricted at Hongsanan et al. Sixteen species are accepted in this submerged woody debris from Deer Pond Shearer genus, of which six species have been reported from a, b. Sequence data is not Pseudohalonectria adversaria Shearer available. The best the forward slash red.
Newly generated sequences is presented. RAxML bootstrap support values equal to or greater than are in red. Ascospores ellip- from Quiver Creek Shearer Asexual morph: Undetermined Type species: Myrmecridium schulzeri Sacc. Twelve species are accepted in this genus submerged wood Cai et al. Peintner et al. Muroi Myrmecridium aquaticum Z. Mycelium immersed, Pseudohalonectria longirostrum Shearer composed of septate, branched, smooth, hyaline hyphae.
Distribution: Panama, a twig submerged in Shannon Conidiophores — lm long, 5—7 lm wide Creek Shearer Sequence data is not cylindrical, percurrently proliferating, brown, paler available. Conidiogenous Pseudohalonectria lutea Shearer cells holoblastic, polyblastic, integrated, terminal, later Distribution: China, Yunnan Province, Lake Fuxian, on becoming intercalary, subhyaline to pale brown.
Conidia submerged wood Cai et al. LSU Sexual morph Undetermined sequence data is available. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, integrated, freshwater stream, March , X.
Liu, S Conidia solitary, subhyaline, Notes: Myrmecridium aquaticum resembles M. Sexual morph Ascomata solitary or brown conidiophores, integrated, terminal and intercalary aggregated in small groups, immersed, hyaline to pale conidiogenous cells and obovoid, smooth conidia rounded brown.
Papilla or short necks centrally located, opening at the apex Crous et al. However, Myrmecridium flush with the wood surface or slightly projecting. Ostiole aquaticum differs from M. Clypeus positioned slightly beneath the wood conidiophores — vs. Ascomatal wall two layered. Paraphyses hyaline, longer conidia 14—16 vs. Phylogenetic Distribution: India, on submerged wood in freshwater analysis shows that Myrmecridium aquaticum is distinct Chary and Ramarao Asexual morph: Undetermined Myrmecridium fluviae Hyang B.
Nguyen Notes: Sequence data is not available. River located in Gwangju, from a freshwater sample Phomatosporaceae Senan. Hyde Tibpromma et al. Phomatospora Sacc. Sexual morph Ascomata solitary to rarely sequence data are available. Peridium com- Notes: Holotype PRM , other specimens col- prising small, brown pseudoparenchymatous cells forming lected from freshwater habitats: PRM , PRM a textura angularis to textura prismatica or inner, hyaline, Asci 8-spored, unitu- Subbaromyces Hesselt.
Torrey bot. Club nicate, cylindrical or oblong-fusiform, thin-walled, short stalked or sessile, apex oblong with J-, apical apparatus. Asexual morph Conidiophores branched, septate. Conidia Ascospores uniseriate, rarely biseriate, overlapping unise- hyaline, smooth-walled, asepate, exogenously formed, riate to biseriate, ellipsoidal to fusiform, 0—3-septate, not ellipsoid. Sexual morph Ascomata partially submerged, constricted at the septum, sometimes bi-guttulate, guttules later superficial, membranous, syringe-shaped, beak divi- located at the ends of the cell, or longitudinally striate, ded into two portions by a large pronounced collar, with sometimes with filamentous appendages at both ends, upper portion tapering to a small ostiole, surrounded by a hyaline.
Paraphyses absent. Asci 8-spored, uni- Type species: Phomatospora berkeleyi Sacc. Ascospores bot. Senanayake et al. Club modate the genera Phomatospora, Lanspora and Notes: The genus was established by Hesseltine Tenuimurus.
Members of the genus Phomatospora are for a taxon collected from trickling filter rocks in New widely distributed in freshwater, marine and terrestrial York, USA.
Two species were accepted within this genus habitats. Seven species of Phomatospora are known from Hesseltine ; Chary and Ramarao Muroi samples collected in India. In updated Sequence data is not Maharachchikumbura et al. Phomatospora berkeleyi Sacc Subbaromyces aquaticus Manohar.
Freunde, Berlin stems of Typha latifolia; Wisconsin, Trout lake, on sub- 3 1—2 : 41 merged stems of Carex comosa, Big Muskellunge lake, on Asexual morph Descriptions and illustrations refer to Su submerged stems of Scirpus brevicaudatus, Allequash lake, et al. Sexual morph Descriptions and illustrations on submerged stems of Typha latifolia Fallah and Shearer refer to Zhang et al. Type species: Sporidesmium atrum Link, Mag.
Asexual morph: Undetermined naturf. Sporidesmium Phomatospora is a large and heterogeneous genus with epithets berkeleyi was originally collected from dead stalks of referred to the genus in Index Fungorum December Solanum on terrestrial habitats Saccardo Fallah and However, many previously described species were revised Shearer collected this species from freshwater and transferred to over 30 genera Iturriaga et al.
Studies based on phylogenetic analyses have been carried Phomatospora helvetica H. Lechat Sporidesmium aquaticivaginatum J. Park, on submerged wood Hyde et al. Sporidesmium cangshanense Z. Hyde, Asexual morph: Undetermined nom. Sequence data is not Facesoffungi number: FoF available. Su, Z. Sequence data is not cangshanense.
Sporidesmium dulongense Luo et al. Phylogenetic analysis also shows that Sexual morph: Undetermined Sporidesmium lageniforme and S. TEF1a sequence data are available. Sporidesmium lignicola Z. Su, Sporidesmium fluminicola H. Hyde sp. Etymology: Referring to the fungus dwelling on wood. Asexual morph Colonies effuse on natural sub- Sporidesmium gyrinomorphum Yang et al.
Mycelium Distribution: Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, immersed, composed of septate, branched, brown, smooth on decaying wood submerged in a freshwater stream Yang hyphae.
Conidiophores 50—70 lm long, 3—4 lm wide et al. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, 17— Conidia 21—27 lm long, 4. Ostiole — lm long, 78— lm wide, Saprobic on decaying wood submerged in freshwater.
Peridium 30—44 lm thick, two- effuse, scattered, hairy, black. Mycelium mostly immersed, layered, outer layer comprising pale brown to brown, comprising of branched, septate, smooth-walled, brown oblong and rounded cells, inner layer comprising several hyphae.
Paraphyses 2. Asci greyish brown to dark brown, smooth. Sporidesmium lageniforme differs erumpent through the host surface, hyaline, unbranched, from S. The asexual an apical ring and fusiform, hyaline ascospores Zhang morph of Sporidesmium lignicola can be easily distin- et al.
However, Sporidesmium lignicola differs from guished from other Sporidesmium asexual morph species in S. We therefore small guttules, while S. Hyde larette funnel-shaped. Conidia cylindrical, ellipsoid or Distribution: Thailand, Chiang Rai Province, stream obovoid, thick-walled, brown, aseptate.
Paraphyses Sporidesmium pyriformatum J. Hyde present but deliquescent, irregular in width, rarely septate, Distribution: Thailand, Khiri Khan Province, Hua Hin, tapering towards the apices, embedded in a mucilaginous stream flowing outside Kaeng Krachan National Park, on matrix.
Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical to clavate, submerged wood Hyde et al. Sporidesmium submersum H. Pinruan et al. This species was apparently linked sequence data are available. This Sporidesmium thailandense Dong et al. Tirisporellaceae, typified by a new genus Tirisporella a, b; Yang et al. Jones, K. The genus Thailan- Asexual morph: Undetermined diomyces phylogenetically resides in this family. Sporidesmium tropicale M. Togniniales Senan. Sporidesmium hyphae, single or bundled. Conidiophores branched in the tropicale was found on dead branches of woody plants and basal region or unbranched, arising from aerial or sub- is widely distributed in tropical areas Ellis ; Wu and merged hyphae, erect, nearly cylindrical when unbranched, Zhuang Conidiogenous cells mostly monophialidic, discrete or Tirisporellales Suetrong et al.
Conidia aggregated into round, slimy heads at Fungal Diversity 91 the apices of phialides, aseptate, hyaline, smooth-walled; Asexual morph Colonies on natural substrate effuse, oblong-ellipsoidal to obovate, cylindrical, allantoid or black. Mycelium superficial. Conidiophores macronema- reniform, uncommonly fusiform-ellipsoidal or globose, tous, mononematous, erect, brown, paler towards the apex, becoming guttulate with age.
Sexual morph Ascomata straight or flexuous, branched or unbranched. Culture on PDA from above h and reverse i. Paraphyses abundant, broadly cellular, slightly conical around the ostiole, papillate, dark brown to black, constricted at the septa, branching, hyaline, slightly taper- glabrous. Peridium leathery to fragile, consisting of two ing apically or thread-like towards the apex. Asci 8-spored, regions; outer region of carbonaceous, dark brown, angular unitunicate, arising in acropetal succession, appearing to rectangular cells; inner region of hyaline, thin-walled, spicate when mature, ascal apex thickened without a dis- elongated, compressed cells.
Ostiolar canal periphysate. As- Paraphyses persistent, branched, hyaline, septate, irregular cospores mostly biseriate or in a single row, allantoid, in width. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical-clavate, reniform, cylindrical or oblong-ellipsoidal, aseptate, with long, slender stipe, broadly rounded to truncate at the hyaline. Wang Gams et al. Notes: Phaeoacremonium has recently been mono- Type species: Brachysporium obovatum Berk. Abellini 4: Maharachchikumbura et al.
Phaeoacremonium Notes: The asexual morph genus Brachysporium was species are saprobic on plants, or pathogenic on human and established by Saccardo in Gramaje et al. Many Brachysporium species were this species as Phaeoacremonium aquaticum. Mycologia 6 : Some species were also described from marine habitats, e. Among the accepted Brachyspo- Mengla County, on submerged wood in a small stream Hu rium species, only two are known from freshwater habitats et al. Lamore and Goos ; Raja et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined Brachysporium obovatum Berk.
ITS sequence data is : Helminthosporium obovatum Berk. Magazine of Natural History 6: Phaeoacremonium ovale Huang et al. Notes: Sequence data is not available. Sexual morph: Undetermined Brachysporium nigrum Link S. Trichosphaeriales M. Winter available. Brachysporium Sacc.
Abellini 4: Asexual morph Colonies effuse, brown, velvety. Myce- Unisetosphaeria Pinnoi et al. Sexual morph Ascomata subhyaline to brown hyphae. Conidiophores mononema- immersed to superficial, scattered, pyriform, hyaline to tous, macronematous, erect, straight or slightly flexuous, light brown, dark brown near the apex, coriaceous, ostio- smooth, thick-walled, septate, unbranched, cylindrical, late, papillate.
Papilla periphysate, surrounded by short brown in the bottom, paler and tapering toward the apex. Seta single, composed of several rows of brown Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, terminal, integrated, cells, arising from the ostiolar region. Peridium composed hyaline, denticulate, proliferating sympodially. Conidia of angular brown-walled cells.
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The accommodates mostly terrestrial taxa Tang et al. Conidia acrogenous or acropleuroge- phores paler towards the apex, integrated, terminal conid- nous, fusiform, obovoid, septate, smooth-walled. This species is only known tioned in their study. Sexual Distoseptisporales genera incertae sedis morph Undetermined. Asexual morph Description and illustrations see Yang aquitropica have rostrate conidia which are oval or ellip- et al. Asexual morph: Undetermined Brachysporium obovatum Berk.